One Day Off

So Saturday I have a special pamper treatment event coming up. And I am off on Saturday, which if you work retail like me you know this is very rare, so I was thinking about taking one day off from my diet. And go crazy. I don't mean like eat nonstop, I just mean for one day not log in, not count my calories, not work out. Just relax and have a me day. Does anyone think this is a good idea? Or should I forget it? Any thoughts!?:huh:


  • annabelmartinez
    annabelmartinez Posts: 63 Member
    hm... well in my opinion you need that once in a while so you dont deprive yourself, on the other hand if you do it you might say the same thing daily and then get of track. Maybe you should eat one unhealthy thing you crave like ice cream or pizza or 1 thing fatty... lol... Or have dinner out... but not all day... you might regret it....
  • hellokari
    personally, when i take days off, i notice that the following day i dont feel as great, motivated, and lively as i normally would. I have a big sweet tooth and eating those sweets that one day makes it harder to not cave into temptation again and again and again. But, to each their own, try it... if you dont like the feeling of "starting over" and can manage, i say go for it.
  • Jenbabe402
    I don't think you should take the entire day off of your plan, but I think indulging in one meal would be fine. Really, it's your day off, having a really awesome lunch or dinner is in order once in a while when you've worked hard. Just don't go nuts, and eating whatever you want for the whole day doesn't sound like a good idea. Have your one great meal, and enjoy it! If I ate what I wanted for a meal, with no regards to calories, etc, I would have something decadent vs. fast food, something like Chicken Oscar or Steak and Shrimp with a side of gorgonzola. Really treat yourself to that one meal, don't cheapen yourself with fast food, you've earned that meal, after all!
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    From someone who has fell of the wagon more than once I would agree with everyone else and just do one meal. Personally, if I do it one day that is when I tend to fall off again.

    best of luck to you and enjoy your day off.
  • dzneygurl
    its a toss up really...ive had those same thoughts...but you might surprise yourself and not go all out crazy even if your want to..especially if this is something that you've been doing for a long time...i would still keep a log of everything just so you know what a day off can be like and what it does to your program...i know my anniversary is coming up in a month and were going to my favorite restaurant so i am going to go over my calories count for sure but im still going to track them anyways...keeps me accountable...
  • sallyg58
    Hi. Id say have your Me Day...will recharge your energy and enthusiasm. You'll probably do less damaage than you think anyway.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Are you saying have foods that you have been not having lately, the "bad stuff"? When I get opportunities (like tonight) to relax and enjoy, I try the Three Bite Rule.

    "The first bite of something is the best, the second confirms it, and the third is to be savored. After that it's all downhill. The second portion, the thirds, the leftovers, they are NEVER as good. NEVER live up to that first bite."

    This way you get to have your yummy "forbidden" food, and not set yourself back. Enjoy yourself! Relax!. Who knows? A day of relaxation may be just what your body needs and you may find that food isn't even an issue. Have a great time!
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I could never do that because one day off would turn into two and so on. I agree with the others about one meal off.
  • nessie994
    Thanks for your advice everyone! I think I will still do my diet!