Hi Everyone

chubbyhousewife Posts: 21
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi just started the "Monday Morning Diet" for the first time this week and hopefully this time it will work.

Just completed my food diary and realised silly as it is most days I am not eating enough off my calorie allowance!! Would appreciate any fitness buddies who would like to team up with me to help me along this journey so I can finally be the person I want to be.

Looking forward to talking with you xx


  • hi i also am new to this and started on sunday its so easy to use and i have already lost 2lbs which i am so proud off i have also started exercising which is something i never normally do with having 2 young children most of my time is spent lokking after them lol but new year new start and all that its time to look after me a bit lol xx
  • Hi Clairelyndsey

    Thanks for your post and well done on the weight loss so far. My weigh day is Monday so fingers crossed.

    Tried to do some more walking this week so hopefully this will have paid off. It helps that I do 4 journeys to the nursery with my 3 year old everyday so trying to power walk there and back ( bit harder when I have her with me as she only does baby steps so more like a stroll lol).
  • hi well i normally drive to school but i have started walking even in the snow and to day the pouring down rain and its seem to be paying off so defo keeping the walking up and also going to go swimming walst the kids are at school next week i have a holiday booked so that is keeping me going lol
  • Yeh the snow made me leave my car at home and I realised how lazy I was being just getting in the car to go round the corner. Have also been walking into town to do the shopping, didn't quite realise how heavy the shopping bags would be when filled with fruit and veg but least it gave my biceps a good workout.

    I don't like swimming so trying to find other forms of exercise, have also been doing a bit of yoga to help tone up. I want to try and lose a couple of dress sizes before the summer so I don't have to be covered up so much on the beach all hot and sweaty!
  • I found out with a pedometer how much I was truly moving about. I got a nice one at GNC for $14.99 that came with ankle/arm weights and aluminum sports bottle. First 2 days I Did not alter my day and only did around 6000 steps a day! They say 10,000/day is optimal. I since then have hit over my daily goal and have shed 3lbs to date in a week.
  • Well done with the steps and the weight loss. Will have to get a pedometer and shock myself to see what I actually do in a day.

    I am terrible and always talk myself out of exercise but have been doing the housework with extra vigour to burn some calories off!!
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