Low calorie lager or beer in UK?!

burner Posts: 72 Member
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
Can't beat a good drinking session with my mates - it's my main vice!

Want to know what the lowest calorie Lager or Beer is available in the UK?

Any ideas? I know in the US there a more lite beers on offer than over here - and would rather just drink the lowest calorie 'original' lager or beer not a lite one...

Any info would be great - as i'm on the lash tomorrow and want to know what to buy!

cheers! :drinker:


  • When I used to drink lager I went for Budweiser lite as I think at the time this was the lowest in calories.

    If you drink spirits vodka and diet coke is the best for calories.

    Alternatively enjoy your nite out but do more exercise the day before and day after to compensate.

    Have fun!!
  • snorker88
    snorker88 Posts: 179 Member
    I know you can get Bud Light in bottles in the UK, you can also get low cal versions of Magners and Bulmers (if you drink cider).

    I stick with vodka and slim tonic if I'm out drinking, it's when I get to the end of the night and everyone else wants to go for a curry that my will power is truly tested!
  • kaydtc
    kaydtc Posts: 48
    Coors is on draft in a number of pubs now and is a very nice lager and much lower in calories than the average.
  • burner
    burner Posts: 72 Member
    Yeah Coors is good! and the end of the night burger/kebab/indian is always the main test!

    Cheers for the suggestions ppl! :drinker:
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Im on Vodka tonight!! Woo hoo!! :) x
  • Gailey
    Gailey Posts: 36 Member
    the website drinkaware lists the calories and has a little calculator tool too...but beware ...ITS SCARY !!
  • Carlsberg is just 99 Calroes a bottle :)
  • burner
    burner Posts: 72 Member
    8 or 10 bottles later though Miss Rikki - that is scary! Guess the gym solution is the answer! I try to go 3-5 times a week! but this snow has buggered that plan up!

    Will check out drinkaware too!

    Thanks again! :happy:
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    I know! I was watching the Biggest Loser America and they have like 30 cal a bottle beers how unfair! I drink gin and soda with lots of fresh lime when I go out xxx
  • burner
    burner Posts: 72 Member
    Haven't heard of that before - must be a weak beer? As for the Gin and soda - I don't mind a Gin n Tonic sometimes like - but when I'm out...don't think I could pull it off on a session with the boys! haha :laugh:
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