Runners unite...



  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    so yoga with running would be bad... I mean doing yoga in the eve after a run. But would it work if I ran in the morning and Yoga in the eve?

    Yoga after running or on the same day in the evening would both be fine. One summer semester in college I took a running class and a yoga class, everyday (for credit!)- yoga was right after running- and it was amazing. The yoga was a GREAT way to cool down and relax after running.

    Edit to add: And yoga isn't the same as cold stretching. Done properly, it has warm ups built in to the practice.
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    after i run i do some old ballet leg stretches i learned as a kid because they stretch my thighs shins and calves all in one go and a few of them hit my lower back also before hand i actually walk my dog about .6 miles then go on my run lol
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    i run a mile, then stop for stretching, then go for 2 or 4 more.... i am lazy about stretching when i get back - usually only do it if i feel i am cramping up.
  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member
    My opinion, and the opinion of lots of runners much better than me, is that it is not only not important but can be counterproductive. I rarely stretch unless something feels sore or unusually tight. If I do stretch it is only a few ballistic stretches before the run and some static stretching afterwards.
    Totally agree. It's never been shown to prevent injury, and stretching before running has been shown to slightly impair performance.

    That said, I personally have some spots that get achy if I don't stretch (though I do so at other times of day), in particular the IT band and the piriformis.
  • nwhitley
    nwhitley Posts: 619
    I don't stretch before a run, only afterwards.
  • lengirl75
    lengirl75 Posts: 153 Member
    I usually walk about 1/4 mile before running and always stretch afterwards; especially my calves/shins & hips.
  • I don't stretch before I run, I just take about ten minutes to jog lightly beforehand. I like to stretch afterwards. It helps keep my muscles from tightening up after a run, helps tone, and prevents injuries.

    I think technically we're supposed to warm up, stretch, run and stretch after.