How do I stop eating the junk food???

So I work at a place that sells donuts and stuff like that and I can't help but snacking all the time! I am constantly eating eventhough I am bored and not hungry and I have no clue on how to stop eating this way. I have tried only drinking water, that doesn't help and I have even brought carrots and all this healthy food, which I eat all of, but then I still snack!!!


  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    just don't? lol... tell yourself no? I used to work at dunkin donuts and i lost about 40 lbs quick just by not eating that junk
  • jojorocksforeva
    jojorocksforeva Posts: 303 Member
    It takes hard work but needs to be done to lose weight!!!
    you will have to use a lot of willpower and self determination
    say to Yourself how badly do you want this..
    and keep yourself motivated ...
    I would say goodbye to those crappy foods with no nutrition once so ever///
    and start being healthy which changes your body and you will
    feel like you have more energy than ever.
    P.s i hope this will help:)
  • foxfirekenzie
    foxfirekenzie Posts: 244 Member
    Seriously, just step away from it. Keep packing healthy snacks and be sure to eat good amounts of fiber to help you feel full longer. Just keep in mind the big picture and it might make it easier. Also, if you aren't hungry, don't eat. If you are tempted to eat because you are bored, try chewing on some minty gum because it will give your mouth something to do and it will make other food not taste good because of the minty-ness.

    Good luck! I am a grazer too so I need to take my own advice. :)
  • SandyMeid
    Like you said, it's a habit - you have to choose to say no! I pack thinsations yogurt pretzles - so when the junk is in front of me, I choose to eat the lower calerie sweets instead. I also have carrot and sweet peas raw to munch on too. ( :
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    If it were me I would have to look for another job. :laugh: Donuts are my weakness. I can avoid eating them, but if I happen to eat just one...then I'm doomed. I will eat as many as I can "legally" get my hands on.

    As far as your situation, will power is the only thing that I think might help. You're not eating because you're hungry, you're eating because you're bored and it's there. Maybe, bringing some of your own type "junk" food like maybe Fiber One brownies, or look for low cal dessert options that you can bake and bring to snack on? I know if I had a choice between carrots or donuts...the carrots would get moldy.
  • smsgreaves
    smsgreaves Posts: 57 Member
    If it were me I would have to look for another job. :laugh: Donuts are my weakness. I can avoid eating them, but if I happen to eat just one...then I'm doomed. I will eat as many as I can "legally" get my hands on.

    As far as your situation, will power is the only thing that I think might help. You're not eating because you're hungry, you're eating because you're bored and it's there. Maybe, bringing some of your own type "junk" food like maybe Fiber One brownies, or look for low cal dessert options that you can bake and bring to snack on? I know if I had a choice between carrots or donuts...the carrots would get moldy.

    LOL love your honesty!!! I too would need to change jobs ;)

    My thought is to log it before you eat it, and then work out how much you'd need to exercise to burn it back off. Usually enough to frighten me away from my nemesis, chicken chips...
  • TabbathaAnne
    TabbathaAnne Posts: 162 Member
    just don't? lol... tell yourself no? I used to work at dunkin donuts and i lost about 40 lbs quick just by not eating that junk

    I used to work at Dunkin too! And coincidentally enough, thats when I was at my thinnest!!! If I felt like I *needed* something, I would have literally one chocolate munchkin. I would eat it in about 3 bites, to make sure I enjoyed it. And you know what? I did enjoy it! But that was it. I just stopped myself after that. I didnt want anymore. I enjoyed the compliments I got about losing weight. I enjoyed being able to wear a single digit size in pants. It meant so much more to me than a donut. :)

    You just have to dig for the want you have inside you. Decide how bad you want it. And make it happen!
  • SilkyHotspur
    SilkyHotspur Posts: 233 Member
    Options em'...i eat donuts, bagels, pizza .....account for it, give yourself one day a week of no carb counting, and eat em' Friday is typically my day at work to eat "stuff".. Bagel in the morning, followed by any Donuts anyone has, and maybe afternoon birthday cake. If not Friday, definitely Saturday.

    The only rule in weight loss that cannot be disputed. The more restrictive the diet, the quicker you will fail. If you do not, you will fail and fail hard at some point....make a plan, give yourself the cheats and accept it.
  • Calipalm
    Calipalm Posts: 114 Member
    What started helping me was to look at the calories before eating it! That alone was enough to make me not eat it! When you are focused on meeting your calorie goals day by day, you start to rethink about consuming a 400 calorie donut when that's as much or more then an actually tasty meal.. However I still crave junk and I still eat it, but i am aware of what i've consumed and I log every single bite of food and sip of soda i may steal from my hubby.

  • robin68562
    robin68562 Posts: 116 Member
    I feel for you. When I saw just the title of your post the first thing I thought was, keep the junk food out of your house. But to be working around it --- being a total sugar junkie, I'd have a real hard time, too.
    Maybe keep some low calorie snacks that you really like with you --- like cereal bars or special K bars, maybe some hard candy that you like -- Something sweet that you can suck on for awhile so you get a nice, long sugar hit. I have a couple of fireballs everyday. I get my sugar, and at the same time the cinnamon curbs my sugar craving. And they're only 35 calories each. I've found that if I allow myself to have just a little bit of something, it will keep my sugar cravings and snacking at bay.
  • TravisBurns
    TravisBurns Posts: 354 Member
    It's like drugs lol.

    Just sayyyy nooooooooo. Hahaha
    Easier said than done. I know. Just don't give in to temptation as often. Just think of how bad you'll feel after eating it.
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    The same way you quit any other habit. Smoking, drinking, drugs, donuts, it's all the same in the end, it all kills you. Take it one day at a time. If you're eating out of boredom find something to entertain yourself with. It takes strength of will and you have to make yourself do it.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,565 Member
    Doesnt matter if you are in a deficit.

    I killed some Subway cookies and some WhoNu chocolate cookies today and i'll weigh less tomorrow.
    Oh...i'm also eating 2500 cals to lose weight.
  • laninaoja
  • Meraid
    Meraid Posts: 148 Member
    I stop myself from eating junk food by reminding myself- that'll take me over my calories for the day.
    And once you eat so much one day without realizing and then seeing you actually when 100 over your tdee, thus gaining.. it scares you into saying no to all the junk :laugh: I know that coke tastes reaalll good but I don't want it unless I drink some.
  • unFATuated
    unFATuated Posts: 204 Member
    It's a habit, pure and simple. I've been kicking some bad habits over the past few weeks (eating from boredom, mainly) and it's been so hard, but 95% of the time I've been able to resist. Controlling the cravings/habit feels AWESOME!

    Pack high protein snacks to munch on. Carrot sticks will do squat unless you include something filling, maybe have some peanut (or other nut butter, hommous or something else to dip them in).
    Before you eat (and this is hard to learn, trust me) stop and think 'Am I really hungry? Am I bored? Is there another reason I want to eat?'
    Drink at least 2 glasses of water (or if you drink from a water bottle, drink at least half).
    Give yourself 15 minutes.
    Chew gum, or have a mint.
    Distract yourself as much as you can.

    I saw this great thing the other day, with what you should eat when you're craving certain things. Have a read and see if you can incorporate some of these things into your diet.
  • jojorocksforeva
    jojorocksforeva Posts: 303 Member
    Good advice
  • IIIusion
    Just carry a picture of the most thing you dislike about your body. For exmaple thighs, and look at it whenever you have a craving for a donut.

    Or instead carry a picture of the body you want and do the same.
  • courtneyflounder
    courtneyflounder Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for all the advice !!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,523 Member
    So I work at a place that sells donuts and stuff like that and I can't help but snacking all the time! I am constantly eating eventhough I am bored and not hungry and I have no clue on how to stop eating this way. I have tried only drinking water, that doesn't help and I have even brought carrots and all this healthy food, which I eat all of, but then I still snack!!!
    You won't stop unless you REALLY REALLY want to. If people don't really desire something, no urging would work.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition