Newbie & on Herbalife :D

Hi all

I've been using the iPhone app for quite some time now but have only just logged onto the website... wish I'd checked it out a while ago!

I'm combining the MFP calorie counter with a Herbalife shake plan, and have lost 12 pounds in about two and a half months (with quite a few gaps of indulging from holidays, weekends away etc).

Anyone else on Herbalife or using the site in conjunction with another diet plan?



  • MissSusieQ
    MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member
    I'm using herbalife as part of a sensible, watching my calories diet.
    I've only been doing it 3 weeks, but so far my hydration and body fat levels have improved, my body age has dropped, and i've lost 3kg, so it's obviously working for me. glad it's working for you too!
  • Tambookie
    Tambookie Posts: 20 Member
    I'm using Herbalife as well. I haven't really started taking all the supplements consistently yet because there are just too many pills, but I'm doing the shakes. I've lost almost 14 pounds so far.
  • farmwife3815
    farmwife3815 Posts: 326 Member
    I'm doing Herbalife and MFP. I love them both. I have lost weight and inches and gained so much energy.
  • Natster_uk
    Natster_uk Posts: 13 Member
    Really? You've gained energy? I was hoping to but my energy has pretty much stayed the same. Are you drinking the tea? I 'm not a big fan so have left that part out.

    I'm starting to get a bit skeptical about HL now. I mean don't get me wrong, I have lost weight, I'm just wondering if I could get a tub of good quality protein for women and a tub of multi vitamins and get the same result for less than half the price? Hmmmm
  • MissSusieQ
    MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member
    you probably could nataliam82, i don't really think it's what's in the products that makes it work, it's more that it makes you think about what you're putting in your mouth. No product alone is going to miraculously do the hard yards for you, though i wish it would!)
    i don't know about you, but i'm getting mine through a wellness coach who weighs me in each week, which keeps me accountable, and we talk about what i've done right and what i need to work on. I don't pay her extra for that, so i guess i factor that into the price of the products.
    that's why i continue to pay the big bucks!
    also, my coach has been very clear with me that i shouldn't feel pressured to buy everything she recommends. when i first went to see her, she showed me her recommended 'starter pack', which was shake, vitamins, aloe vera gel and tea, but when she priced it for me it was way out of my league, so at first i just got the shake, and lost 1.4kg in the first week, then bought the vitamins the next week. i still don't bother with the aloe vera or the tea - the way she explained it, everything above the shakes is just a 'booster'.
  • Natster_uk
    Natster_uk Posts: 13 Member
    MissSusieQ, yeah I guess the coach part of Herbalife can be one of the more beneficial elements. My coach is my partners sister so it's easy for my to criticise the products, especially when they cost so much. I went for the full package including Protein bars and Mango flavour Aloe juice (which I would not recommend) and all went well for the first month. I've just put another order in but only the shake powder this time, and I have ran out of the stuff waiting for it be delivered so I'm back on food.... Hope I don't slip off the wagon! :-/
  • Sheradd
    Sheradd Posts: 5
    I am using Body Fortress super advanced whey protein powder. I also take a multivitamin, b-12supplement(help's me with the energy) I take a biotin supplement for my skin, nail's and Hair, And a fish oil supplement. My energy is a lot better, and I don't drink as much coffee. My friend is on herbalife and is doing great. Losing weight and feel's wonderful. My only reason for not doing herbalife is that I am a single mom and it is cheaper to do the powder I am using now. I know herbalife is better nutritioun wise, just not possible for me at this time.
  • MissSusieQ
    MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member
    As long as you're doing something sheradd, you're winning!
  • sarahlentz7
    hey yall,

    i'm new to myfitnesspal and i've been doing herbalife for 1 week today. i only do two shakes a day because that's all i can afford but i like it cause it makes me think about what i'm going to eat next. i've been exercising a lot so i hope to see results. do yall think i will? good luck to everyone!

    p.s. i'm skeptical about herbalife but i just want it to work so baddd since i'm paying for it