I've lost it and don't know how to get it back!



  • pastormick
    Motivation is actually at the core of everything you are doing right now. I'm actually starting to struggle a little in this area as well. Even after 154lb weight loss. it's so easy to slip back into your old way of thinking -- especially when you hit your goal weight. But the key is to keep in front of you the REAL reason you are getting into shape. For me, it was the desire to present my physical body as a living sacrifice to my Creator. To be in the best shape possible and to remove all the excuses that I had for not fulfilling my truest potential in serving Him. It's unbelievable how the deepest of motivations keep you from having "Cheat" days...keep you on the treadmill for one more hard lap, keep you lifting and eating the way that our bodies were designed to do. Hang in there.
  • reggie2run
    reggie2run Posts: 477 Member
    Motivation is an easy thing to get, but very hard to keep. There are days when I don't want to exercise, when I'd rather stay in bed and not get up at 5am, but I know if I dont get up and exercise that I'll feel like crap for the day and I'll feel guilty that I didn't exercise. They say a habit develops after 3 months. So keep at it for at least 3 months even if you don't feel like it. Soon exercising will be like brushing your teeth...second nature. Good luck!
  • marthathebear
    When you keep going when you really don't feel like it is what separates the girls from the real women! Come on, most people would rather not get all sweaty but remember that awesome feeling when you lost those first 1 or 2 pounds and you were on your way? Get someone close to you - husband, friend, children - to make you accountable. My husband walks with me every day after work. He walks FAST so it really pushes me. He also knows I go to the gym 3 days a week and he always ask me on Mon, Wed & Fri if I worked out. Ask for help. It is hard to do but sometimes you need an extra push. Add me as a friend if you want. I'll keep you accountable.
  • areufnkiddingme
    areufnkiddingme Posts: 99 Member
    I always find that it's helpful if I sit down and write out reminders to myself of why I started this journey. When we're feeling motivated, we often have a list of reasons to keep us going, but if we don't provide ourselves with constant physical reminders of those reasons, it's easy to lose track of them or enthusiasm for them.

    Also- make sure you are not depriving yourself too much of the good things. Giving up Diet Pepsi is GREAT for you- no more noxious chemicals! but make sure you are saving yourself room for the small treats that make life rich, too. Also, practice self-forgiveness. There is a fine line when it comes to forgiveness between admitting you made a mistake and starting over again the next day, and repeatedly letting yourself make a mistake. All too often we get into this cycle of skip-a-day/guilt-yourself/run-from-guilt and end up "forgiving" ourselves as a way to just stop feeling bad. When that happens, we haven't actually dealt with our feelings and they carry into the next day. It is important to remember that a little indulgence is not the end of the world- its the NEXT DAY that counts. Don't let one bad day turn in to one bad month. You've got twelve pounds already- thats a great accomplishment! Just keep focusing on how good it will feel when you can say "and then I lost 12 more after that!!"

    Keep up the good work! It's great that you are reaching out- I hope you can do so in your personal life too!
  • tigerlily_82
    tigerlily_82 Posts: 41 Member
    I think you may misunderstand motivation. Zig Ziglar once said: “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” The point being we don't get motivated once and forget about it. It takes constant work. So I guess the question is, what are you doing DAILY to motivate yourself?

    Wow, this is awesome thanks for sharing this!
  • NuniaBidness
    NuniaBidness Posts: 1 Member
    I can certainly empathize with your Diet Pepsi problem, because I was addicted to Coke - the real thing (not diet, that is) and had at least one a day. One thing that helped me is Republic of Tea's Hibiscus Teas. (No, I'm NOT marketing this, I don't even know if you could.) BUT! The tea is yummy and slightly sweetened already with Stevia. My favorite flavor is Apple Vanilla, and I drink it iced in the summer but it's also good hot in the winter. They have tons of other flavors and tons of different types of tea, but I recommend the hibiscus teas because not only are they good, but there are indicators that it helps lower your blood pressure, and it's cooling and refreshing. Good luck to you!
  • mjterp
    mjterp Posts: 655 Member
    Been there, done that. I immerse myself in the success stories. There is a motivational video on you tube that I keep in mind. I force myself to take a good look at myself in the mirror every morning. But mostly I put a call out to MFP friends and let them know that I am struggling for that extra boost!

    Remember, this is about living life more healthy. It isn't supposed to be drudgery. The way I have accomodated that is by adding one healthy new habit at a time. It doesn't get overwhelming that way AND I have time to adjust. Movement has been my biggest challenge to date. I keep trying to find something that I will LIKE and really WANT to do. In the summer it is swimming. Currently I am trying Couch to 5K on my treadmill with the hopes of eventually going outside. ONE babystep at a time. I'll fall...and get back up. Just because I fall doesn't mean I can't do it. It means I need to practice and build myself up until I CAN!

    Hang in there!
  • lifesazoo
    lifesazoo Posts: 118
    I think we all lose motivation in some way. I couldn't agree more that we have to find motivation daily. If this were an easy process, there would be no overweight people in the world. What helps keep my motivation is to read the success stories on here and learn from what worked for them.
  • beansprouts
    beansprouts Posts: 410 Member
    You made an excellent start! But...Do you want to know what I think...truthfully?....It sounds like a head game (going on in YOUR head)! Are you AFRAID of succeeding?
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    It happens to us all,back you need to get back on track to get results,you will regret it later.Feel free to add me.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Few simple ways to keep the motivation flowing:

    Make goals. When's the last time you evaluated where you want to be at in a week, month, year? Sit down and chart it up. Heck, I find setting myself a set of weekly goals (tiny thing, really. Write 3 times, workout 4 times 30 mins, walk every day) and keeping track helps keep my mindset into the game. And at the end if I reach my goals I'll reward myself somehow. If I don't, then I add some "consequences" to do with during the next week (like "go for a 15 min run" since I don't enjoy running much). Not only is it constructive because if I miss something, I somewhat make up for it, but because I actually GET STUFF DONE!

    Sit down, pump up some of your favorite workout tunes, or some workout video. Think about what you wanna look like. Just picture it. Picture yourself running up those stairs in Philly next to Rocky, with that dream body. And then see if telling yourself you're not good enough to get there still seems like a good idea. Chances are, no, you want to succeed.

    Keep in mind that failures are learning aides. You get stronger and smarter from them. If you find yourself binging one day, look into your mind and find out what triggered it. You're already one step closer to knowing yourself and how you tick, and that will definitely help you in the future!

    If you keep plowing through, eventually you'll find yourself sailing like never before! There will be hitches in the way, but as long as you think you can do this, you got it!
  • Angie_1991
    Angie_1991 Posts: 447 Member
    My motivation lately is the smaller clothes I get to buy...looking good and feeling good...great motivators...you can do it!!!!
  • Crosbinium
    Crosbinium Posts: 415 Member
    One of the ways I am staying motivated is looking at my reason for embarking on this journey. I wrote it out on a sticky note and put it on my bathroom mirror. I see it every morning.