Moms of middle school age kids?

I'm new to the world of pre-teen kids with my oldest girl going into 6th grade this year... any other moms of middle schoolers in the same general stage of life as me looking for friends? My daughter doesn't need to lose weight but I am trying to encourage her with better heath habits than I got from my family at that age.


  • ksasmama
    ksasmama Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I'm also looking for friends. Just joined MFP last week. My youngest is getting ready to start middle school, after 16 years it seems very odd not to have a kiddo in the grade school. I'm also wanting to encourage my kids to eat better. Trying to cut out a lot of the processed food, we all seem to love, lol.
  • pudgeylou
    pudgeylou Posts: 202 Member
    I have 3 kids in all age ranges. My oldest is 16, middle is 13, and youngest is 6. So I have the high schooler, the middle schooler, and an elementary shooler. All girls. They are all so different, and you try to raise them all the same but they all have their specific needs. I would love to be friends with those in the same situation, so feel free to add me.
  • JennKoz529
    JennKoz529 Posts: 144 Member
    I have a 13 year old step daughter who is going into 8th grade! She has definitely hit the "teen" years! I have talked with her about me loosing some weight and we talk a lot about doing it the healthy way. She is influenced by her mother, who likes to starve herself. So, when I talk with her I let her know that it is good to eat, but to eat healthy food and incooperate good foods into her diet. We talk about drinking more water, and less soda. My husband gets her moving more...since teenagers these days like to sit and play with their gizmos/watch TV. She is very active so I'm not worried about that, but I know how at this age they start having body image issues and I don't want her to think like that. This age is tough! Good luck and I'm hear for support if you need it!!
  • cmcorn26
    cmcorn26 Posts: 253 Member
    Hi, I am new to this site and loving it! I love all the positive people and the knowledge base of every doing it and having done it is incredible! And I could use friends!
    I have a son starting 8th grade and a daughter going into 7th. I started TALKING, unfortunately not DOING, about healthy eating a couple of years ago. It seems like it pays off, they are reading labels, not wanting fast food, etc. This year my goal is about my weight loss and I am hoping that will encourage them to make even better choices! I totally get the better choice than what I was given statement. My family always said, "_____, you are just fine, a healthy girl with big bones." And yes, I wasn't fat-fat, but I wasn't healthy either. And when I did stand up and take serious notice and lose weight ( i was a senior in high school), I was so excited because I got a really cool belt, put it on and my mother promptly told me to take it off, that i would never be able to wear a belt because of my hips. Now, I know that as an adult that is not the right thing to say. And I try so hard not to repeat those same kind of statements to my daughter.
    As far as school for your daughter, I really thought the 5th grade was harder than the 6th grade. In fifth grade the girls were together all the time, lots of cattyness, in 6th grade they were dispersed into other groups and really did much better as being "nicer" people!
    boys are a completely different story, as long as they know you love them, they have food and a bicycle they are good to go.
    But anyway, just a thought process there. :smile:
  • begreenbe
    begreenbe Posts: 102 Member
    I have an 8th grader, 5th grader and a 3 year old. All boys. They're great, but our house can often be loud and smelly and messy. I'm always looking for new friends.