The last 10 lbs

I've always heard that the last 10 lbs are the hardest to lose. Is anybody else struggling with this or is this just a myth that I'm using as an excuse?


  • mdorsey2010
    No myth..atleast for me! I have 8 lbs to go and it seems like its taking FOREVER!!!
  • FireBrand80
    FireBrand80 Posts: 378 Member
    The leaner you are, the harder it becomes to mobilize fatty acids from your fat cells. You body is very good and holding on to fat.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Sometimes it helps if you eat at maintenance for a while instead of a calorie deficit to regulate all your hormones while staying active and doing a lot of resistance training/weights. But yes, the last bit is super annoying.
  • rach7turtle
    rach7turtle Posts: 47 Member
    Sometimes it helps if you eat at maintenance for a while instead of a calorie deficit to regulate all your hormones while staying active and doing a lot of resistance training/weights. But yes, the last bit is super annoying.

    Thanks that is helpful! ^
    I've been on my last 10 for like 3 weeks now. I'll lose 5 go back up 5 and have a hard time keeping it off and getting all the way down to my final goal weight.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I am losing 1 pound a month...... Really annoying lol.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    When you're so close, it helps to concentrate on fitness goals instead of potentially obsess over the scale.

    -Can you do 100 pushups?
    -Can you do 100 situps?
    -1,000 SITUPS?!
    -Can you run a mile?
    -Can you run a 5k? (3.1 miles)
    -Can you do a chin-up/pull-up?
    -Can you do 5, 10, 20?
    -Can you bench press ___? Can you increase that number?

    Etc, etc.

    Helps keep your head in a positive place, and you can't help but feel proud when you're busting through all these personal records left and right.
  • grecogab90
    grecogab90 Posts: 77 Member
    Yes!!! I have 8 lbs to go and I feel like it's the hardest thing ever!
  • Silvergamma
    Silvergamma Posts: 102 Member
    The last 10 have been the worst >.<. I lost the first 45-50 in about 14-ish months. Have been hovering in the last 10 zone for about 6 months. Will get there eventually. Make sure you are tracking inches too.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 917 Member
    Been stuck for awhile too...I find my weight doesn't change for about 2 wks and then I will just drop a pound....and repeat. Very slow. Been eating more and running more and that seems to help. Going to go to the BOD POD to see what my BF is and see if maybe I am at my "goal" weight already and I am being unrealistic.
  • babyxblue101
    I lost the first 30 pounds pretty easily… now I only have about 10 pounds until I reach my goal and this past month my weight has been staying the exact same, going up and down here and there. But it's extremely frustrating considering I’m eating healthier and exercising more than ever.
  • gjsmommy
    gjsmommy Posts: 90 Member
    Sometimes it helps if you eat at maintenance for a while instead of a calorie deficit to regulate all your hormones while staying active and doing a lot of resistance training/weights. But yes, the last bit is super annoying.

    Thanks for the tips! Working on changing a few things up & your physical challenges are a great idea to include.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I have been fighting for that last 10 for my whole life. I have never been over weight but never sknny either. I always wish I had lost that 10 pounds. :(
  • MrsSky11
    MrsSky11 Posts: 9 Member
    Reallllly glad others a struggling with this too!

    Ok let me re-phrase. I *am not* glad we're struggling...but it's nice to know you're not the only one!

    It's like the most sensitive scale in the world! Changing up your calories, exercise, type of intake (carbs, protein, fats, etc) by *tiny* percentages. It's maddening. I've recently become obsessed with counting calories, tracking every little exercise, weighing my food and measuring liquids, weighing goes on and on. I think sometimes the best thing for us is to just eat right and exercise at least 45min a day 5-6 times a week. ...Maybe?? lol.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    When you're so close, it helps to concentrate on fitness goals instead of potentially obsess over the scale.

    -Can you do 100 pushups?
    -Can you do 100 situps?
    -1,000 SITUPS?!
    -Can you run a mile?
    -Can you run a 5k? (3.1 miles)
    -Can you do a chin-up/pull-up?
    -Can you do 5, 10, 20?
    -Can you bench press ___? Can you increase that number?

    Etc, etc.

    Helps keep your head in a positive place, and you can't help but feel proud when you're busting through all these personal records left and right.

    I like this way of thinking...and am trying to do so these days. And I on purpose stay away from the darn attempting scale.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Reallllly glad others a struggling with this too!

    Ok let me re-phrase. I *am not* glad we're struggling...but it's nice to know you're not the only one!

    It's like the most sensitive scale in the world! Changing up your calories, exercise, type of intake (carbs, protein, fats, etc) by *tiny* percentages. It's maddening. I've recently become obsessed with counting calories, tracking every little exercise, weighing my food and measuring liquids, weighing goes on and on. I think sometimes the best thing for us is to just eat right and exercise at least 45min a day 5-6 times a week. ...Maybe?? lol.

    Yeah, I recently changed my mindset on this. Now I am eating normall without being obessed with every single freaking calorie and exercise whenever I can. I feel ok, no loss but no gain either. We shall see how it goes in a longer period of time.
  • goalpeace
    goalpeace Posts: 272 Member
    Definitely a pain to lose the last 10! I am going to just focus on the exercise and healthy eating. I am more interested in being toned anyway.:drinker:
  • fallser
    fallser Posts: 14
    I'm with ya. I'm trying to get rid of the final 6 lbs and feel like it's taking forever. I'm hoping that switching to more resistance/weight training and upping my calories slightly will help. It's really hard to get into the mindset to increase calories.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    It depends how thin you are. I am losing faster and faster, but I need to drop my goal another 10 pounds. I'm sure when I got to that point I will start really slowing.

    How did you pick your goal number?
  • uwdawg07
    uwdawg07 Posts: 372
    My weight loss really hit the brakes around 15 pounds, and then practically stopped around 10. SO ANNOYING!!! Some months I've only lost 1/2 a pound.

    It's totally normal for weight loss to slow at the end. You're a healthy weight, so your body isn't letting go of fat so easily, and it's harder to create a large calorie deficit.

    Just keep pushing and it will happen in time!
  • DebBeury
    I'm working on my last 10 pounds too. I have 8 more to go, but this web site is helping see how many calories I'm eating and burning up with exercise and I'm seeing a difference. I'm much more motivated to get out and exercise! And stopping myself from eating dessert every night. I've lost a total of 25 pounds and working extra hard to get rid of the last 8. We can do this :)