Need to lose 20 lbs fast! Help!!

MrsHyland Posts: 87 Member
Ok, so here is my idea. Please let me know if you disagree or have suggestions for improvement.:smile:

I was thinking that I can probably do without my 3 middle toes on each foot. I may even be able to get along with just one foot. Then I was thinking that I can get rid of some fingers (Haven't decided which ones yet). I also figure I can get rid of some of my useless organs like my appendix, gallbladder, maybe even a kidney(I do have 2 of them after all). Even if those don't give me a significant lose the surgery itself should help me shed a few lbs right? My last thought is shaving my head. I bet my hair weighs quite a bit. I could wear a wig, and then I would be able to take it off to weigh. I personally think this is a totally brilliant plan but I would love further suggestions from all of you super smart people out there! Thanks in advance!!:flowerforyou: :bigsmile:


  • Susan0816
    Susan0816 Posts: 41 Member
    Haha, you funny girl. Keep up what you are doing, you're doing just great. Now me that's another story.......
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    naw just chop a leg off, then you can keep the rest
  • kellygirl324
    kellygirl324 Posts: 74 Member
    I "hear" that earlobes weigh quite a bit too! Would that help?!! :-))
  • guardian419
    guardian419 Posts: 391 Member
    I think you'd look way better just losing it normally :D But hey, as kids these days say in their own idiotic way... you only live once!
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Tonsils and teeth. Then you can't really eat and it will help you lose even more.
  • georgie_lou
    georgie_lou Posts: 224 Member
    Getting your appendix out is the worst pain ever!! Had it out a couple of months ago. Did lose 4kg swings and roundabouts.

    I like the idea of no hair. Lopping off toes would make it hard to wear my jandals with my bikini (when I'm ready) and I need all my fingers to take photos of my hot new self! (Again...not there yet haha)
  • Welshie_girl
    Welshie_girl Posts: 107 Member
    head is about 8 to 12 pounds.... :)
  • MrsHyland
    MrsHyland Posts: 87 Member
    Well...I need my head, I know that for sure. And I had braces that were extremely costly so I wouldn't get rid of my teeth either. But all great suggestions.

    Susan, you are doing an awesome job, I'm very proud of you!

    Guardian, my older brother (almost 30) says that and I want to punch him in the face every time. I don't really understand why it is so popular.

    I guess I will have to keep working the old fashioned way until I figure out how many body parts I can do without and still work. Does anyone else ever wish they could open up your stomach/leg/arm and the fat would just fall out? I don't understand why that wouldn't work. :wink: