Reality slap.

I have the feeling that my first few posts on this site are going to be really whiny. Click away and save yourself. Anyway, tonight, on the inspiration of learning what "ideal" measurements are, according to Playboy (no, it's ok. I know. I know that that is terrible inspiration to do anything) I decided to take my measurements. And they were a little horrifying, surpassing even the horror of knowing that I will never physically cut it as a Playboy bunny. Then, I plugged the numbers into a dress calculator. I'm a 10. At this time last year, I was a 4. I hear people when they say that 10 is an OK size to be, and I shouldn't complain that I'm a 10, and so on. But, I am not a good 10. I'm a small person. I have friends who have gained as much as I have, and they look hotter for it! My body, however, stores in bulk in strategic places like I'm a badger packing it on for winter, and it's about as hot as the Michelin Man in a bikini. Rather than producing the full-figured, bombshell, Marilyn-was-a-10-myth effect, it's more like the 'being able to store spare change in my spare tires' effect. Overshare? I know what I look like in the mirror. Seeing the numbers; the quantifiable evidence, though, for whatever reason, is a reality slap.

P.S. Who wants like 50 pairs of pants i can't even get over my butt anymore? Boo hoo.


  • Louiyen
    Louiyen Posts: 69
    You're right, I should had clicked away. haha well i think we all get a reality slap every now and than.
  • CassiusKnox
    CassiusKnox Posts: 305 Member
    I'm a guy... so I'm not sure if you want to hear from me... but use this moment. Use it to draw a line and say 'no more.... this is it... this is as bad as it gets... this is as big as I get'.

    Use this moment to propel yourself into your new, healthy life. We all start somewhere... this is your start. From here it only gets better :)
  • caslyn3
    caslyn3 Posts: 70 Member
    I'm a guy... so I'm not sure if you want to hear from me... but use this moment. Use it to draw a line and say 'no more.... this is it... this is as bad as it gets... this is as big as I get'.

    Use this moment to propel yourself into your new, healthy life. We all start somewhere... this is your start. From here it only gets better :)

    awesome quote. i'm jackin your slogan btw..
  • Pimpmonkey
    Pimpmonkey Posts: 566
    I'm a guy... so I'm not sure if you want to hear from me... but use this moment. Use it to draw a line and say 'no more.... this is it... this is as bad as it gets... this is as big as I get'.

    Use this moment to propel yourself into your new, healthy life. We all start somewhere... this is your start. From here it only gets better :)

  • A_Shannigans
    A_Shannigans Posts: 170 Member
    I would love to be a 10 but I totally get what you're saying. I haven't owned a scale for a long time (didn't need one I was thin). Well when I started at MFP I went out and bought one and I got a reality slap of my own. I weighed about 20 lbs more than I thought I weighed and it was VERY hard to take. Particularly since I had gone so long not having to be concerned about my weight.

    Well I had that gift some people never get to experience that worry free side of it so I was lucky.

    Get a picture in your head (you probably already have one) of what you want to look like and start working towards it. You can do it. Read through the success stories when you feel like you can't.
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    Have you had your thyroid checked? That's a lot of weight to gain so fast. Also, if you were put on any medications (migraine type stuff), some of those have nasty weight gaining side affects. I just thought I'd throw it out there. Granted, I know with me it's probably just age, overeating and a slowing metabolism. I was just thinking at your age that it wouldn't be a bad idea to get a quick checkup.
  • chickchickadee
    chickchickadee Posts: 13 Member
  • chickchickadee
    chickchickadee Posts: 13 Member
    Unfortunately, it really is a case of just eating too much. It would be nice to pawn it off on something else, I will admit!
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    Lots of good advice!

    I actually think it's a good idea to take your measurements every week or two while losing weight. Sometimes it's a lot easier to see progress through measurements than it is on the scale! Especially if you hit a plateau or when your weight loss slows down, seeing that your body is changing shape can be a tremendous motivator.

    You can track your measurements with MFP. No one but you will ever see them. :wink: