Water weight?

Woke up this morning weighing 3 pounds more than the morning before. My sodium intake for yesterday was not high. 1,466 for the day of my 2,500 recommended. I don't feel bloated nor are my clothes tighter than usual. I drink no soda and approximately a gallon or more water a day. It's not my time of the month. What gives? Only thing different about yesterday was I increased my weights during my exercise by a few pounds. Water under the muscles?


  • tvgal
    tvgal Posts: 87
    I don't know but it KILLS me when this happens! it's like such a tease to see that low number one day and the next be back up! :explode: It's enough to make anyone crazy!!! That's why i'm trying to only weigh in once a week. But, I'd love to hear anyone else's thoughts, because I wonder the same thing...
  • mirandam1076
    I went up 5lbs one day last week! I'm back down now though. Still haven't lost any "real" lbs but only been doing this a few weeks. I'm exercising WAY more too. I'd like some MFP veterans advice myself.
  • DTFaaron
    I started my hardcore diet and MFP on Jan 4th. My gf and I only do weigh ins one a week. I lost 9.5 the first week. Everyone was telling me its "water weight". My 2nd weigh in is coming Sunday. Nervous time....
  • lemonllama
    lemonllama Posts: 124 Member
    I weigh everyday and sometimes when Ive worked out a bit im up anywhere from .2 to a few pounds. But then the fun part is a few days later it usually drops to even lower then my starting..

    This week ive worked out more then usual, like everyday, instead of ummm hardly at all, and its the one week i havent lost any weight...

    I think if you look at it all in the end of the month, or week or two, its usually a loss altogether =)
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    When your muscles repair themselves, they do retain water.

    This is why you shouldn't weigh every day... or you can weigh every day like I do, but it only "counts" once a week. :laugh:
  • gabi_ele
    gabi_ele Posts: 460 Member
    It takes 3500 calories to gain a pound, or for that matter to loose one. Since I don't think you went over your calories yesterday by 10500 calories it must be water weight.1) If you imagine that 16 oz of water weigh in a pound and you drink a lot, your body might not have expelled it all. 2) it could have to do with your menstrual cycle, right bevore your period your body retains fluid , up to 5 pounds. 3) Changes in hormone levels or thyroid can temporarily look like a gain.
    If I was you, I wouldn't worry about it at all. I have seen my weight go up for a couple of days and then go into a loss. The reason a lot of people say not to weigh yourself every day is just for that fact, that our weigh fluctuates a lot and we get frustrated for no good reason at all. So keep going and best wishes... Gabi
  • stephjohnny
    stephjohnny Posts: 42 Member
    When your muscles repair themselves, they do retain water.

    This is why you shouldn't weigh every day... or you can weigh every day like I do, but it only "counts" once a week. :laugh:

    LMAO! I weigh every day, but only log my losses...:bigsmile: This is the first time I have gained 3 pounds over night...
  • Nmama
    Nmama Posts: 191 Member
    I think everyones body is different water wise. If I eat 1,400 sodium I will retain water. I have to stay at like 1,200 or lower. This is what Ive noticed the last few weeks
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    When I weigh myself after a workout or just daily period, my weight fluctuates up 2 lbs, next day up 3 lbs, next day down 1 lb etc.

    I only COUNT my weigh in's one day a week and that is the one I truly count or pay attention to and it is always down from the last true weigh in.

    If your doing it at night after a workout, etc. those numbers may not be true. Try only COUNTING one weigh in a week and that might help. Counting a daily weigh in is just not a good thing. I'm not saying don't do it daily but I just wouldn't count it.