Another cry for help...

Logging calories stresses me out. It induces so much anxiety that I cry...not because I am eating poorly, I just get overwhelmed.

Can I loose weight without tracking everything?

I do work out....45 mins.- 90 mins a day. Mostly cardio because I have a gigantic stomach....(I hate my large apple shape)

is this possible? I don't wanna go on anti-depressants for logging food, but I must lose this fn weight!



  • BootCampC
    BootCampC Posts: 689 Member
    instead of logging what you eat , plan what you will eat by using this tool
    at least you will know ahead of time how many calories you will be eating.

    can u do it without logging yes , but as you said you are eating poorly , this needs to change in order to make a difference , change is a little scarey but its what you need to change how you look
  • kazoooo8
    kazoooo8 Posts: 71
    I know its hard and I used to fight it when I was on Weight watchers (and probably the reason I quit WW) but its really not that hard on here once you get going cuz the foods stay on your list and you just check off the ones you eat all the time. My hard times are when I go over, like tonight. It bums me out so much. It really does make you realize how much you are putting in your mouth tho and how important portion control is. Are you logging your exercise? Cuz that will make your food logs look great cuz you get extra calories from all your workouts!!
  • jus2honest

    It may help to think back on why you joined MFP. You may have just wanted a support group without the logging all of the food. I personally don't think that you HAVE to do it if it stresses you out. I personally love it, but not everything is for everyone. Weight is as psychological as it is anything else. If the weight is coming off and you are not logging your food, I say keep at it. Just as everyone else said, logging is simply there to help you see where you may have flubbed for the day, and to realize what the serving sizes and portions really are vs. what we like to eat.

    But you said you are not eating poorly so try it without logging, just put your weight loss and/or your exercises as someone else has stated. We are all here for different reasons, just whatever you do keep at your goal! :)
  • kmhamilton6
    kmhamilton6 Posts: 53 Member
    aww, thanks everyone. While, I do think logging is very beneficial...I think I do need the support. The weight loss is all in my head s I am sure it is with a lot of people.

    Why is it so hard? Why is my weight ALLL in my stomach? Its so easy to get discouraged. :( I will keep trying, but I going through it. LOL

    I have a belly that hangs over.
  • goddessofsewing
    goddessofsewing Posts: 110 Member
    If it's only the numbers that are a problem, try just keeping a food diary. It will make you aware and accountable for what you put in your body without showing you calories. I'm not very faithful with logging my calories anymore now that healthy habits are in place and I have a basic idea of what's going in. You can still lose weight.
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    Some people are built larger up top. I'm large in the hips, butt, and thighs and have always had trouble with chairs with arms. It's just your body shape. If you're concerned about it (as in, your belly seems larger than it should be in comparison to the rest of you), see a doctor. Some illnesses have a side effect of abdominal weight gain. Please don't let that scare you, though. Chances are, it's just your body type.

    I lost about forty pounds several years ago without tracking calories. I just ate healthy foods, tried to limit the junk, drank lots of water, and walked for an hour every night. I didn't even really put that much thought or work into it, to be honest. It was just something I did. I didn't even weigh myself. I just kept buying new clothes as I lost more weight. Eventually, I had a doctor appt, and that's when I realized how much I'd lost.

    So, yes, as long as you're aware of the type of food you need to eat, you can probably skip logging. I haven't logged in a few weeks because I've been logging since May and eat pretty much the same foods every day/week. It was getting boring and repetitive. My weight is still dropping, so I'm not too worried. The only time I log is when we go out to eat or eat at a friend's house and I need to figure out if I should eat at a deficit to make up for it.
  • tanyaslosingit
    tanyaslosingit Posts: 178 Member
    Logging calories stresses me out. It induces so much anxiety that I cry...not because I am eating poorly, I just get overwhelmed.

    Can I loose weight without tracking everything?

    I do work out....45 mins.- 90 mins a day. Mostly cardio because I have a gigantic stomach....(I hate my large apple shape)

    is this possible? I don't wanna go on anti-depressants for logging food, but I must lose this fn weight!


    While you don't have to do anything you don't want to do, there is going to be a point when you ask for help and the feedback that you get will be limited because you won't be able to provide the bigger picture. Exercise/activity is only a portion of your weight-loss campaign. There will be questions about your daily/weekly macro levels, portion sizes, etc. The answers help other people help you when you need it.

    One thing that has made logging in my cals so easy has been the MFP app. Another,has been planning my meals and scheduling them (prevents grazing and impulse eating.) Sometimes I log in my entire day 's cals in just a few minutes in the morning since I know what I'm going to be eating!