New mum & breast feeding

Is there any new mums out there that are breast feeding & wanting to lose weight? Just wanted some support & to find out what youre doing. I had my little boy three weeks ago & gained alot of weight. Im thinking I will start the Michelle bridges 12week challenge on Monday!
Please add me if you're the same :)


  • oJulia
    oJulia Posts: 33
    I would like to know the same. I have an 11 day old boy and a 30 month old boy. I am exclusively breast feeding and would like some nutritional support on here. =)
  • BunniPage
    BunniPage Posts: 49 Member
    I'm a breast feeding mumma with an 11 week old baby girl.

    I've finally decided to start trying to lose the weight I gained during my pregnancy, but so far I'm really struggling to stop eating all the naughty foods! I'm hungry ALL the time, and I don't feel satisfied unless I'm eating really high calorie meals. I'm also finding it hard to fit in proper exercise inbetween looking after my new bub and keeping on top of the house work. I know it's possible but when I finally get a break I just want to nap!

    I would love some support from other new mums! Please add me as a friend!!! :)
  • janiepops00
    Hi there,

    I'm also a new mum trying to lose some weight! I have a 2 month old little girl and am exclusively breastfeeding. I started using MFP on Monday - well after a few false starts... and I am loving it. Would love to hear how everyone else is tracking.

    I have read that you need between 300 - 500 additional calories for breastfeeding, or else you risk losing your milk supply or your body goes into starvation mode so you just don't lose any weight. So I have added back the calories on top of what MFP suggested.

    I have started to do a loose plan on Sunday night of what foods i am going to have for the week (which helps with the shopping too) and then adjust things if I need to when I put them into the food diary. I massively underestimated calories the first couple of attempts, but I think I am getting a better idea of how many calories are in which foods now.

    Regarding exercise, I have been doing walks mainly. Straight after the morning feed I put on my sneakers and put her in the pram and go walking around the streets. Its good because she gets to have her nap while I am exercising and its been such nice weather here recently (I'm in Sydney) so being out and about is good for my mental health too :) I tried to fit in some yoga at home on the days I don't walk, but bub always seems to wake up mid way through so I have stopped doing that. I'm thinking i might just have to sign up for a mums and bubs yoga class or leave her with hubby and go on the weekend - might be more relaxing that way!!

    Would love to hear any tips you ladies might have and how you are progressing.

    PS. My sister did the last Michelle Bridges 12 week challenge and has lost heaps of weight. The recipes look awesome!