Help or hindrance?

So the Hubs and I are in Vegas right now and found a store that has really great far as the prices that we are use to goes hehe

Anyway, the XXL fit me, NOW but once I get back home after Vegas, and am back into the work/school routine, I plan on going full force again with my "diet" and exercise routine. So the hubs suggested buying the XL, which if I wear it now, it DOES fit, but it would be comfortable for the first 5 minutes then after that it would be too tight. So anyway he said "buy the XL and challenge yourself" so I did...

I'm just wondering...well I'm just rambling out loud...I'm in Vegas and I've been drinking lololololol...

Has anyone bought a shirt or pants one size too small, knowing that they WILL fit into it....
Did this "challenge" work for you?


  • Ihatechokos4eva
    Yep I've started buying things in my goal size. I'm about 5kgs from my goal weight now and have some nice things i can wear when I get there. Not going overboard buying things though because I would have to try things on to make sure they suit my new shape :-)
  • MrsR0SE
    MrsR0SE Posts: 343 Member
    Definitely! Once I got comfortable in a size, I went out and bought the next size jeans down to motivate myself! I always have a couple of tops and a pair of jeans to try on to see my progress until they fit :) if you can afford to buy clothes in advance it's a great motivator!

    Also - once I'm safely in the new size I get rid of the too big clothes as soon as possible so that they're not there as a safety net! A lot of the clothes I've bought in the way down have been fairly cheap because I knew I wouldn't be in them for long, but now I'm close to my ideal size I'm thinking a bit more about buying nicer things that I'll love for a long time.
  • Cillamail
    Cillamail Posts: 21 Member
    Yep! I did this a few times recently. And it's the same, they fit, but would look better if I were the smaller size.
    This isn't my only motivation but it does help!
  • OnMyWeigh464
    OnMyWeigh464 Posts: 447 Member
    Thanks for the replies so far. I've done this in the past, and have two garbage bags full of clothes with their tags still on them because I ended up GAINING weight.

    I think this time I AM in a different place and I know I WILL do it this time!
  • VictoriaJayne2012
    VictoriaJayne2012 Posts: 7 Member
    OOOOOOOOOOOOO Vegas! I'm going for the first time in March next year! Never been! Going with friends to celebrate my friends 40th (although I'll be the baby of the group as I'll only be 32!) Not looking forward to the 3 hour journey down to London followed by the 10 hour flight, but it'll be so worth it....despite the fact I'll miss my hubby and kids to no end...

    Anyway, I digress.... - if you're in the right mind-set I think buying the clothes on the tighter side of things will do you good. Only you know whether you're in the right frame of mind to diet - if you are, go for it! It's just even more inventive :-)
  • Amazingday
    Amazingday Posts: 682 Member
    I had clothes that were from years ago that were too small, it was a great motivator to get into them. And even better when they got too big. And if they are inexpensive clothes, I say go for it.