Has anyone slipped and binged?

schaneye Posts: 5
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok i've been doing really good then all of a sudden tonight I was under my calories by a two hundred and binged on chocolate and cookies. The kids were fighting and screaming and what do I do to handle the stress turn to the bad food. uhhhhh. Now I feel like crap!! Tired and sick feeling. I know tomorrow is a start of another day, just wondering if anyone else has had a moment like this?


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Yes too many times, tomorrow is a new day. Don/t beat yourself up over it. remember never give up.
  • I am in the middle of my binge right now. I made some lowfat cookies and now I am enjoying a beer. I am right there with you. I have been doing well for a long time so I won't beat myself up too much. I will get back on it tomorrow.
  • lsjd2000
    lsjd2000 Posts: 287 Member
    yes -last night i had extra calories and we had a moms night out at Tim hortens/cold stone -i was going to get a bagel but ended up geting ice cream i felt sick all night afterwards
  • afeinberg
    afeinberg Posts: 93 Member
    Same here - had a GREAT week, worked out every day, ate under calories every day, even went out to eat once.

    Then tonight i decided to order pizza for me and the kids and then ate more than i should have. Then I figured, what the hell i'm over anyway, and i had beer. Now i feel awful about it.

    But again, one bad meal/night doesn't negate all the awesome progress. don't wallow in it and move on. exercise a little harder tomrorow :-)
  • Thank you so much everyone. Really glad to hear I'm not the only one!!!!:happy:
  • Yup! atleast once a week! I have to or i feel like im deprived! Honestly, i have chocolate every day as well. And i lose weight! The thing is, i under eat some of my days and make up for it on the bad day. Some people suggest you stagger your cals anways just so your body dosent think your dieting. Once it catches on apparently, youll slow on losing. Thats what all the weigh trainers and what not say. So, take a day a week to give yourself a break! And if you go over another day and you couldnt makeup for it who cares. Atleast your making an effort. And like other ppl say. Theirs always tom!
  • Ugh, yep. It's always the alcohol that does it to me. Our bartender will make me a drink or two, I'll be ok until about 9:30/10:00 and then DEATH. I have basically a second dinner--don't usually go for the cookies or sweets, but I just EAT becuase I feel like i want to be eating. Period, nothing in particular, just putting food in my mouth.

    I'm trying to keep myself in check. I know i'm never going to fully cut out my scotch and other drinks (though probably once I leave PR there will be much less coquito...what a killer that is!) I'm trying to be more aware. It's a slow process.
  • pizzafruit
    pizzafruit Posts: 317 Member
    More than I care to admit. The cause can be anything from my husband getting on my nerves to feeling down. I try not to beat myself up over it but I'm not always successful. Being aware is half the battle.
  • ericaquin
    ericaquin Posts: 68 Member
    Yup, I too do it once a week to keep the body guessing. Had a bad day on wednesday, kids made me want to pull my hair out so I made a mad dash for Chipotle and loaded up that pork burrito!
  • It's healthy to give yourself a break every once in a while. If you deprive yourself all the time, then when you do slip you're going to go WAY over your calories and it'll be harder for you to catch back up and you'll feel horrible about it. Allow yourself a little something. For instance, I ate under my calories all week and worked out all week and I had a feeling I was going to cave for dinner tonight. I purposely ate low calories for breakfast and lunch then worked out really hard and ended up burning 296 calories. When I got home from the gym I ended up having 792 calories available for dinner (including my workout calories).

    So....I splurged and got a beef burrito supreme and crunchy taco at Taco Bell (total 580 calories). Now I'm enjoying a few chocolate herseys kisses. Believe it or not.....I'm still under my calories for today!! I don't feel bad at all about splurging. Plan out your splurge days so you don't feel so bad about it!!

    Have fun and Good luck!!!
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