loosing inches but no wieght?

I did myfitnesspal before lost 5 lbs then got discouraged, came back having gained it all back and then some. I am now 141 as of today with a goal of 127 (pre baby weight). I have been eating a lot better the last 3 weeks and excersing almost every day. We have a pool so I started making myself swim atleast 30 mins everyday. I have lost 6.5 inches from my hips, stomach and arms but the scale hasn't went down any!

1. why am I not loosing any weight?

2.When I measured for this week (yesterday) I hadn't lost any inches. Why have I stopped loosing inches? I did have one cheat day this week but nothing to over the top. I drank 2 cokes and ate out for dinner with my husband.

3. Since having a baby (almost 2 years ago) I have lower tummy fat and extra tummy skin.. Is there anyway to help the extra skin go away?


  • deeviya
    deeviya Posts: 4
    don't worry about the numbers... its bcoz your muscles r building up. Muscles r heavier than fats... You lost some inches bcoz fats have burned, but you're not not losing any inches this week mayb bcoz your body hv gone to pause state... Don't worry.. Keep on with your exercise routine as long as you're healthier now then not doing anything at all..

    I've been doing Jillian Michael exercise video for 6 six weeks (with several cheat days of course :) ) but i can see the difference in my appearance but the weight is still the same... Its ok... the weight will shred in time.. Keep up the good work... GOOD LUCK!!!