Advice and Friends??

I'm eating low calories and have only once gone over my allowance once. I know I haven't been on here long and probably shouldn't be too worried, but I've noticed my weight increasing.

Can somebody help me figure out where I'm going wrong and maybe give me some dieting tips??




  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member

    Try increasing your calorie deficit through more exercise. Try drinking more water and make sure you log your liquids most of them contain calories too.

    Change some of the things you eat so you have less carbs and more protein and less sodium and stick with it. You will see results.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Here are things that can cause you to gain weight without gaining fat:

    1. Starting a new exercise regime (water retention)
    2. Eating a bunch of sodium (water retention)
    3. Menstrual cycle (water retention like whoa)
    4. Being close to the next time you will poop (more stuff in the digestive tract)
    5. Eating or drinking (more stuff in the digestive tract)

    You'll want to see what happens to your weight over time, not day to day. Also, make sure you are weighing at the same time each day. Feel free to friend me. :)
  • Spr1718
    Spr1718 Posts: 6
    Yeah I way myself at the same time every morning. Thinking it might be better if I just weigh myself once a week instead. What sort of exercises would you suggest?
  • Welcome.

    How long have you been trying to lose weight? I kept telling myself the weight didn't come on overnight, why would it fall off overnight. What are you eating? What kind of exercising are you using? Hang in there.

  • Yeah I way myself at the same time every morning. Thinking it might be better if I just weigh myself once a week instead. What sort of exercises would you suggest?

    Start with walking. Then after a while add some jogging and running. Walking may take longer, but it will pay off. I used to weigh myself every day and then I went to the once a week. At the Beginning stick to once a week. I used to weigh myself on Thursdays before the weekend would begin.

  • Are you eating back your exercise calories? Some people find that slows the pace of weight loss.

    I would agree with the other poster who mentioned trying to cut your sodium intake: this can be a big cause of water weight retention, and in general is just not great for your heatlh; it drives up blood pressure and strains your arterial walls.

    Try changing up your workouts as well, doing cardio some days, strength training or yoga others, always with a rest day. Good luck!