I've binged and feel terrible

I just need to get it out
I should have been eating 1200 calories a day
but today I didnt go to school since I felt **** and I just stayed home and tried doing my homework
then the stressed build up
as well as my family nagging at me 24/7
so i ate
i ate and ate and ate even if i was full and I purged and ate again and I cant even remember how much of what I've eaten by now
all I know is its over 1200 calories

I've been eating greek yoghurt and low-fat milk and full cream chocolate milk, blue berries, fried rice etc

first month of recovery from an eating disorder and never in my life have i eaten so much
I feel like throwing up all over again but Im too tired.
and im scared
im so scared
its been 3 days continuosly right now
no exercise and just binging again and again and....
im going to gain weight wont i
i feel physically sick. someone help me


  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    I wish I knew what to say to help you out but I don't. Have you received any treatment for bulimia? Is there something you can do to soothe yourself and get some distance from the food? A person or something to distract yourself with?
  • Francesca3162
    Francesca3162 Posts: 520 Member
    Get some professional help!
    You are in crisis and a few comments from MFP'ers is not what you need now.
    Speak to doctor, counselor at school, SOMEONE with expertise.....

    We are rooting for you, but you have to make a clear choice here to get the help you need.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Get some professional help!
    You are in crisis and a few comments from MFP'ers is not what you need now.
    Speak to doctor, counselor at school, SOMEONE with expertise.....

    We are rooting for you, but you have to make a clear choice here to get the help you need.

  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    Dude, you have to see a psychiatrist or psychologist...it's pretty serious.
  • chljlleal
    chljlleal Posts: 229 Member
    Get some professional help!
    You are in crisis and a few comments from MFP'ers is not what you need now.
    Speak to doctor, counselor at school, SOMEONE with expertise.....

    We are rooting for you, but you have to make a clear choice here to get the help you need.

    Please talk to someone.
    Rooting for you
  • i know its serious but it was just today i was doing so well in recovery jesus i cant even brahte now its panic im so scared and upse

    i wow okay sorry for posting i'll just leave this site now this bulimic will now disappear from the fit websi t e
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    What everyone else said.
  • I absolutely agree that you should get professional help for this, but in the meantime remember this: you CAN get through this. Today is a new day, you know what you want and what you don't want - and you've identified some of the problems. You are still in a great place to move forward. You have the strength in you. The fact that you reached out for help proves this. Please don't let two or three really bad days dictate the rest of your life, ok?

    Remember - healthy eating and weight control is a marathon and not a sprint for a lot of us and once in a while we need to sit down on a bench. You've now had a chance to sit - so take a deep breath, get some good local help and when you're ready, get back into the race. Your goal will still be there, patiently waiting for you.

    Good luck - we'll be thinking of you.
  • KALMdown
    KALMdown Posts: 211 Member
    Get some professional help!
    You are in crisis and a few comments from MFP'ers is not what you need now.
    Speak to doctor, counselor at school, SOMEONE with expertise.....

    We are rooting for you, but you have to make a clear choice here to get the help you need.

    Do This. Please.
  • jlmoses91
    jlmoses91 Posts: 87 Member
    Honestly I know this is scary, but everything will be okay, I went through the same thing. Youre family nagging you will not help your situation. You need to tell them to either help you with positive influences or to shut up because they are hurting you. I found my help through a friend and my sister rather than my parents during this. Eat with your friend or family instead of by yourself. But most of all you need to go to a counselor. I know youre scared, but the reality is that so many people go through this. I went to group therapy, which was scary at first, but helped me sooo much. My advice is to talk to someone you trust, eat with people at meals and understand that this is a psychological disease that you can overcome! Everyone has their ups and downs and makes mistakes, we are all human. But the point is not to give up. Give yourself a schedule that is healthy and stick to it. You can do this! I was a binge and purger for quite sometime and have been happy and free from this disease for 3 years! You can do this just take it one day at a time! And seriously, seeing someone and talking to them helped me greatly. Go to a doctor first, then ask for a reference for a psychologist, it will help. I hope this helps! Rememeber positive thinking!
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    i know its serious but it was just today i was doing so well in recovery jesus i cant even brahte now its panic im so scared and upse

    i wow okay sorry for posting i'll just leave this site now this bulimic will now disappear from the fit websi t e
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    Yes, I agree that you do need to get professional help. If you are in the US, call 1-800-931-2237 for assistance. In the meantime,
    do you have a journal? If so, grab it. If not, find something you can use for one. Write this all down in that journal. Then write down your emotions. What are you feeling? What is stressing you out? Write it all down. No matter if it takes one paragraph or ten pages. Just write down everything that is upsetting you. Put it all on paper.

    Read what jmosesmackey said, too. She knows what's she's talking about. The above number can help you get a referral for assistance, so call it. They won't judge you and they only want to help. Get the personal help you need from the person who wants to help just you. You're worth it.

    Be well.
  • nadiB
    nadiB Posts: 283 Member
    Hun start by removing yourself from your current situation (home in this case) and then go speak to your support person to get some clarity on what exactly set this off and how you can move past it and continue on your path of recovery.


    Good luck!