Self Esteem

FJMilner Posts: 407
edited December 2024 in Motivation and Support
Im not sure where to start....the past few months have been a bit of a viscious circle of binging and self hate, causing low self esteem which results in binging and so the circle continues. There are far too many emotional issues to go into on here and just lately I feel I cause a lot of them myself but I would just like some advice on how to build my self esteem and how to like myself again....I can't expect anyone else to like me if I don't like myself. Im almost certain if I can pick up my confidence then it will break the circle.

The eating/gaining weight issues seem to be taking over everything and it makes me feel like a failure. Im fed up of the tears, the self pity and the godam binging, any constructive advice will be greatly appreciated

Thanks xx


  • Shadowsan
    Shadowsan Posts: 365 Member
    Ok, a few things that generally help:

    Set yourself goals that are not to do with physical appearance. Appearance to yourself is subjective. What you need are objective goals that you can achieve. So for instance:

    1. Walking somewhere you'd usually drive to
    2. Choosing the healthy option where you would normally not
    3. Hitting your calorie guidelines
    4. Managing to work out 3/4/5 times a week (remember, rest IS important too)
    4. Doing X minutes of cardio
    5. Lifting X amount of weight at X exercise for X repetitions

    Some people like to set lots of small goals that progressively build up towards a bigger goal, like running a 5k or something.

    The key thing is:

    The more you focus on these micro-goals whilst continuing to eat well, the more that your subjective goal of looking better to yourself will be achieved without you realising it, and the more mini goals you achieve, the more motivated and enthusiastic you'll become.

    As the old saying goes, every marathon starts with a single step :)
  • FJMilner
    FJMilner Posts: 407
    Thanks Shadowsan, that makes sense, I like the idea of setting goals that are not to do with physical appearance xx
  • Shadowsan
    Shadowsan Posts: 365 Member
    Oh - and an important one:

    Everyone (and I mean everyone) comes off the wagon at some point. Either they fail to do X exercise, or can't find the time to do a session on a certain day, or has a bad day and wants to eat something that isn't entirely healthy...

    ...The important thing is not to beat yourself up about it. You are the person in control, you know if you stray from the path on one day that really it's just 1 day, and you make up for it. You don't go beating yourself up about it and making yourself feel worse, which will make you stray from the path further and further.

    Everyone has those 'fail' days - it's how you get back on the right track that's more important. And getting back on the right track when you've had a bad day? That's a success in itself.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Shadowsan hit the nail on the head! If you try to hard and do extreme diets and/or exercise and/or set your goals too high, the cycle will never end. Instead aim to have a healthier life, make small changes, set small very attainable goals. And figure out a way to reward yourself for hitting these goals too.

    You're definitely not alone in this either, I think this is the reason why so many folks fail at diet/exercise and think it's so difficult. If you try to cut everything "bad" out and never allow yourself a treat, of course you're going to fail! I started watching those around me who seem to stay slim effortlessly - they eat healthy most of the time and stay active so that they when they do have a treat, they don't have to worry about it so much. Allow yourself a small treat daily and a large treat once every week or two (like dinner out with friends/significant other) and don't even consider the calories - just enjoy! This way you'll be much more likely to stick with the day to day knowing that treat is just so many days away.
  • semeyer
    semeyer Posts: 282 Member
    Here are some things I try to do to boost my confidence;

    1. Buy a new pair of shoes or just walk around in pair you love. No matter how bloated your tummy feels or how many biscuits you just ate, I find that a nice pair of shoes/heels always make me feel more confident! And when you're 3 inches taller, you can't help but hold your head just a little bit higher! :drinker:

    2. Pamper yourself! Turn your bathroom into a mini spa. Get some aromatherapy oils and scrubs and let the toxins leave your body. If you can afford it, get a nice massage. This always clears my head.

    3. Watch a good movie. When you're feeling down, its always easy to grab the sob-flick and really lay on the self-pity. But its just as easy to put in a good comedy and really laugh! Laughing releases so much negative energy. After a good laugh, its hard to remember why you were so down sometimes.

    4. Remember that you cannot have perfect weight-loss days. There will be days when you eat the biscuits or shovel in the ice cream. It is going to happen because you are human! One thing I really like to do when I'm having a monster craving. I get all dressed up, do my hair nice, put on an outfit I get a lot of compliments in, and go to a restaurant by myself. I order a coffee and pick one lavish dessert to have. And yes, its normally a bajillion calories. But, first of all, I know I wont splurge too much because I simply cant afford it! Second of all, after its done, guess what? You still look fabulous and you got to have a real treat for yourself. Not sitting in your home, on the couch, in your pjs stuffing your face with crap. I don't suggest doing this every day or anything, but it is kind of fun! :drinker:
  • FJMilner
    FJMilner Posts: 407
    Haha, Semeyer, some fantastic idea's there, love it....and I just adore shoes so number 1 is no problem whatsoever!! Thanks xx
  • marmatt13
    marmatt13 Posts: 16 Member
    Have you ever been screened for depression. I find there is a huge mind-body connection tied to success in life. Be it weight loss or anything else, if your thinking is negative, the outcomes usually are too.

    Google "Burns Depression" and "Burns Anxiety" checklist. If you score in the moderate range for either, I suggest you make an appointment with your doctor to discuss it.
  • FJMilner
    FJMilner Posts: 407
    Crikey, just done both tests and both come up with moderate levels :noway:
  • scruffykaz
    scruffykaz Posts: 317 Member
    These things work for me:

    1. First thing for me is stop the internal voice in my head, you know, the one that tells me that I'm fat, stupid, ugly etc. I tell it firmly that I am amazing and I can do anything I want to do.

    2. I find reading books on Self Esteem helps. I like Gayle Lyndenfield and Susan Hayes. There is also a great book by Susan Jeffers called "Feel the Fear and do it Anyway". That really helped. Her website is here . Getting daily positive quotes delivered to my mailbox helped.

    3. Do something you love that does involve food. Go for a walk in a beautiful garden, phone a friend that you haven't spoken to in a while, draw, dance...whatever it is that you love do it!

    4. Make some time for YOU every day. I know it is hard when you have kids but just 15 mins of head space just for you can work wonders.

    5. Get rid of any negative people in your life. They are energy vampires and will drag you down. You don't need them in your life.

    6. Don't be so harsh in your judgement of yourself. Would you be so hard on a friend as you are on yourself? Very unlikely.

    7. Don't keep it bottled up, talk to people that you trust.

    Hope this helps. Message me any time if you need to talk xx
  • FJMilner
    FJMilner Posts: 407
    Thanks darlin, wise words....and I will take you up on that offer xxx
  • ji225
    ji225 Posts: 89 Member
    Totally agree with all of the suggestions!
    Especially the pampering, dvd's - you time, to do the things you enjoy and that ,ake you feel good, dont do anything you dont want to do! this is key!

    I absolutely can say with hand on heart that we all go through these times.
    I had an awful 3- 4 weeks when i just felt depressed recently, no real reason, and felt really helpless. I hated it when I was going through it, and wanted so much to 'fix' whatever it was that was causing it, but feel so much better now, and am glad i just kind of rode it out.

    Another thing I find really useful at times like this, as well as just letting things happen, is to step outside yourself, and just look and understand the whole situation as an outsider, not judging on appearance, but to just be kinder to yourself! as you would is you saw a friend in the same situation. be your own best friend. You know, sometimes life has a way of sending tests your way and there is nothing you can do to avoid it, but it is your perspective on a situation that if sometimes shifted just a few inches, can make all the difference :) something which always stays with me is the phrase:
    "It is always darkest before dawn"

    Hugs to you and know that it will get better, though something has to change (not neccesarily in a massive way!) , as your body and mind is telling you that, in a roundabout and annoying way, try and tune in :) xx
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    ♥ spending lots of selfish time doing things you love to do, trying out new things you might love to do and finding out if you do or dont, spending time with people you love doing things you love or experimenting with new things, spending time doing activities that you love, spending money on healthy food that will keep you feeling clean and happy and fresh, spending time with your body, transforming your bedroom into a haven of rest and calm and a beautiful reflection of the 'you' that youve gotten to know... are all ways to love yourself.

    if standing in front of the mirror saying YOU ARE AWESOME 58945986754 times before work doesnt do it for you. :)
  • I've struggled with low self-esteem all of my life. I was also diagnosed with clinical depression in high school and began seeing somebody. It helps having a neutral party to talk to and help figure out how to fix the problem.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    your self-esteem wasn't destroyed over night, and it won't be built in one day either. it takes time and practice.

    Benjamin Franklin had a list of thirteen virtues. i don't remember them all, and he admitted that he didn't embody them every day. but he picked one virtue a week, and tried to work on that. he felt that just trying made him a little better.

    so make a list of things you'd like to work on, and every week try to work on one thing.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    so make a list of things you'd like to work on, and every week try to work on one thing.
  • FJMilner
    FJMilner Posts: 407
    These are all great suggestions....most definitely need to make more me time, doing things I actually enjoy rather than things I think I should enjoy but don't really!! Already feeling a bit more positive and I know I will come out of this with a smile on my face, I won't allow anything else! xx
  • girish_ph
    girish_ph Posts: 148 Member
    I will tell you a method I follow with some success -

    I assume I will binge (comfort seeking behaviour)
    I prepare a list of fuods that I love asmuch as I love meat and burgers
    I found that the list included some healthy foods along with a lot of unhealthy ones.
    I binge on the healthy foods and have them stocked - like Tuna and grams

    I am sure that there are *some* foods you would like to binge on which are healthy. Just find them!
  • FJMilner
    FJMilner Posts: 407
    @ girish, that's a great idea....and there are loads of healthy foods I love. My only concern with the binging is that it's mindless eating anything whether Im hungry/want the food or not. In fact I can feel quite full and satisfied and still have a major binge and it's really difficult to think about what you're eating when you're doing it, it's just anything that's not nailed down! What I do need to do is educate the kids to think of all the healthy stuff as treats too so I don't have to buy them cakes/chocolate/biscuits as a treat.
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