mystery woman

When I was 25 I lost control of my car on a shear icy road and my car plummeted into a deep ravine and hit the only object down there - a telephone pole. My head broke the windshield, my knees distroyed the dash etc. I could hear a police siren in the distance so I knew help was on the way. The pain was horrid and all I wanted to do was go to sleep. There was a banging on the window and as I opened my eyes slightly I could see a woman. She talked to me and told me to hang on help was coming and not to go to sleep. She spoke of many calming things and got me to respond back to her so that I would stay with her. The ambulance arrived and hauled me out of the car and up the hill. As they were closing the ambulance door I said wait....who was that woman...get her name so I can thank her. They said...there was no one there and our prints were the only ones in the snow down there. If you don't believe in Angels or guardian angels you should because they do exist.


  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    There may have been someone there. But whether it was a guardian angel or it was a chemical imbalance in your brain caused by concussive symptoms resulting in apparitions of helpful figures, you did the work of keeping yourself awake.

    The real heroes are the police and emergency personnel. It sounds like they had a hell of a response time.
  • drateno
    drateno Posts: 12
    Well you never know....I could see her clothes and shape of her body but could not move my head enough to look directly at her.
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    I've seen this on this board about 4 times in the past week.

    Y'all need to move from where ever it is you're living with crappy roads and random strangers on the road looking for the dead.
  • alliegirlnlacey
    I think this is an inspirational story. I would like to think it was a guardian angel, but even if it wasn't, it's nice to believe in the kindness of strangers. There just isn't enough of that in the world today.