Dr Furman Eat to Live

HI everyone...posted a few days ago and received some great advice - thank you...:smile: A few people mentioned Dr Furman and his Eat to Live program. Pretty soon I could open up my own book store with just "diet" books LOL but was just wondering if anyone has tried/taken his advice and how it is going for you. I was a vegetarian for quite awhile many years ago (20) but fell off the wagon..and here I am. Thanks in advance for your response :happy:


  • veggiesaurus15
    veggiesaurus15 Posts: 152 Member
    I have been following his Eat to Live plan since January 1st. I've lost 63 pounds.
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 786 Member
    I have not tried him yet, but I've seen some stuff that has had me looking into it. Also into that Join the Reboot thing that he's connected to....Not sure yet if I am going to try it though LOL!!
  • lysadahlin
    lysadahlin Posts: 2 Member
    I did read his book about a month ago. What he recommends is pretty extreme -- virtually no animal protein at all, not even fish. He recommends only 10% of calories from this type of protein. He also shuns all oil and cheese, which is just crazy talk, if you ask me! He suggests 1 lb of raw vegetables and 1 lb of cooked per day, as well. I have been doing my best to follow what he suggests related to that, and cut as much processed food out of my diet as well. Overall I found his book to be really educational and a LOT depressing (about the realities of our diet and what we are doing to our bodies.)

    I highly recommend it, and recommend you use it however if works for you :-)
    Good luck!
  • skonly
    skonly Posts: 371
    I have seen him on PBS. Looks good to me.

    Think about how people lived a long time ago before there were microwaves and drive thru's. They ate what grew in the garden. We may not all have gardens anymore but there is produce at all the stores.
  • LisaLouisiana
    LisaLouisiana Posts: 145 Member
    You might want to look at Tosca Reno's way of eating (and exercising.) Eating clean, which is what she promotes, is very healthy for you and it can be done without eating meat, if that's the route you choose. You can probably guess from how much I've lost that I've looked at many different approaches to weight loss, tried a lot of them, and eating clean seems to me to be the wisest of them all. Most people won't do it because they still want to eat processed foods, but if you have the strength and motivation to deal with that, it's a GREAT way to loose weight and get healthy. http://www.toscareno.com.
  • Toofhairy
    Toofhairy Posts: 106 Member
    I've been following Eat to Live for 9 weeks now and have lost 24 lbs.
  • knpwebb381
    Did you have problems adjusting to the plan at first? My stomach cramps up and I feel like Im going to throw up. I want to know if thats normal. When it happens I crave real fatty foods to settle my stomach.
  • FitNJMamma
    FitNJMamma Posts: 5 Member
    I just finished reading the book last night and plan on giving the process a try. I did read that the cramping and nausea is the withdrawal affects from food toxicity. I hope you kept going and have been successful.