Are there any vegans here??

I am day 7 of vegan mode something I have never thought I would ever do since I love cheese and meat! But here I am trying to make fresh veggie burgers and would like to see if anyone has any really good ways to cook tofu. I don't eat raw veggies as my stomach doesn't digest them properly so they have to be steamed well. I am eating fruit and making juice smoothies out of the fruit I don't want to eat.
Any advice would be appreciated. I did try veggie dogs yesterday and all I can say is yuck! haha
Thanks so much


  • For tofu...marinate, marinate, marinate. Tofu takes on any flavor you give it. The Gardein brand makes awesome meatless options.
  • Babbs1977
    Babbs1977 Posts: 42 Member
    Tofu - if you get firm or extra firm, stick it between two plates and place something heavy on takes on flavor much better once the liquid has been drained from it.
  • mamaclose
    mamaclose Posts: 179 Member
    There's a vegan board on the forums:
  • gshoemaker06
    gshoemaker06 Posts: 264 Member
    I'm vegetarian but not vegan. I like to put tofu in my vege chili. Also, I usually just make stir-fry w/ tofu and add some light soy sauce. I've never actually marinated tofu and ate it by itself.
  • 8smartypants8
    8smartypants8 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi mamaskully! I have been a vegan since march last year, but occasionally i eat cheese. trying not to at this point because it's so high in fat. here are the ways i eat tofu:

    use mori-nu as the base for a smoothie. add fresh fruit, ice, stevia and mix. or add frozen fruit and a little almond milk and mix.

    freeze block of extra firm tofu, then defrost. squeeze out the water and i flavor with Bragg aminos (like soy sauce only way better). 2 ways to go from here:
    crumble it, put it in a saucepan with some water, curry and salt and saute til warm. this is my sub for eggs. great in tortilla.
    or cut into cubes and bake. it makes croutons, you can either leave them softer in the center or cut them smaller or bake longer for croutons. good snack.

    cut extra firm tofu into squares and add to a soup. i use veg broth, and add kale or greens to my soup, and/or miso and green onions for a light brothy soup.

    you can also cut the tofu into rectangles or whatever and fry them in a pan. they get a nice crust that way but i don't like to use a lot of oil. hope this helps!! maria
  • Carla2299
    Carla2299 Posts: 39 Member
    I use a bit of tofu, and lots of veggies- beets, carrots, mushrooms, onions and garlic.
  • I'm 90% vegan, in that I don't eat meat at all, and most dairy I hate (in cheese, eggs and milk), but i tend to be lax when it comes to chocolate and cake! I do try and be 100% though.

    I struggle with cooking beans on toast, let alone tofu, but Cauldron (UK) do their own fresh ready-marinated tofu pieces which are gorgeous. They also do mince, that you can just chuck into bolognese / chilli.

    Be careful with Quorn products as they contain rehydrated egg white, which is annoying!
  • Being Vegan Can be Very tricky, I have been a Vegetarian for almost 10 years and a Vegan on and off though out that time. My suggestion on being a vegan is to stay away from tofu. Its not the best way to get protein and studies have shown that the Tofu we get is very high in estrogen.
    Ways on getting your protein into your body are through nuts and beans.

    Quinoa is an amazing super grain, high in protein and lots of fiber (also very filling)
    Lentils are also another amazing source along with other beans.
    Nuts (almonds, cashews, walnuts, ect)
    Dark leafy vegetables like spinach and broccoli
    Mushrooms are amazing!
    Flax seed

    There is also proteins supplements that you can get. I love Vega Protein (was designed by a vegan triathlete and are amazing)
    I have daily a smoothie every morning with it and I love it

    Morning shake
    1 scoop vegan vanilla almondilla protien
    1/3 cup rasberries
    1/3 cup strawberries
    1/3 cup mangoes
    add water and blend

    There are alot of vegan recipes on the net, google them, try them and when you find one that works for ya save it.

    Hope this helps
  • I love to marinate and FREEZE my tofu. Once you thaw it, I get this nice chewy meaty texture when it's cooked. Many Asian restaurants will do this. It's delicious. I use all different marinades too. Teriyaki and Jerk are my favourite marinades,
  • Tofu is nice in stir frys, I marinate it with soy sauce or sweet chilli sauce.

    It's also nice in soups and curries as it takes up the flavours really well.
  • mamaskully
    mamaskully Posts: 25 Member
    Thank you so much for all the replies. You all have been very helpful!
  • jw17695
    jw17695 Posts: 438 Member
    I like mine pretty plain. I put it in the skillet with just a bit of black pepper. I don't really care for it so much but it was suggested to me that I start eating more to raise my HDL. I'll definitely try some of these suggestions.
  • seventieslord
    seventieslord Posts: 59 Member
    I'm 100% vegetarian, and 95% vegan (I eat cheese as an additive or ingredient in packaged foods or restaurant foods but never go out of my way to eat it)... maybe will get to 100% one day.

    Best of luck keeping it up!
  • enewsome2
    enewsome2 Posts: 355 Member
    You can make vegan lasagne with soft tofu as "cheese". It is pretty good. (I think there is a recipe for this on PETA's website).

    Google "tofu larb". Good way to eat raw tofu.

    Or eat it in a stir fry with veggies. Yum!
  • toriaenator
    toriaenator Posts: 423 Member
  • seventieslord
    seventieslord Posts: 59 Member
    You can make vegan lasagne with soft tofu as "cheese". It is pretty good. (I think there is a recipe for this on PETA's website).

    I never follow recipes, I just get ideas and throw **** together. A few weeks ago I decided to make a vegan lasagna with soft tofu in place of the ricotta, and daiya for the cheese. Straightforward, right? Except for one thing. I made a layer of daiya in the middle of the lasagna and it turned out to be the most serendipitous thing I did in my life. It melts and mixes with the moisture that surrounds it, and turns into an absolutely delicious.... i don't know how to describe it other than "alfredo sauce". It was the best lasagna I ever ate, veggie or otherwise. I am scared the next time I do this I won't do it exactly the same and I'll be disappointed.
  • jw17695
    jw17695 Posts: 438 Member
    You can make vegan lasagne with soft tofu as "cheese". It is pretty good. (I think there is a recipe for this on PETA's website).

    I never follow recipes, I just get ideas and throw **** together. A few weeks ago I decided to make a vegan lasagna with soft tofu in place of the ricotta, and daiya for the cheese. Straightforward, right? Except for one thing. I made a layer of daiya in the middle of the lasagna and it turned out to be the most serendipitous thing I did in my life. It melts and mixes with the moisture that surrounds it, and turns into an absolutely delicious.... i don't know how to describe it other than "alfredo sauce". It was the best lasagna I ever ate, veggie or otherwise. I am scared the next time I do this I won't do it exactly the same and I'll be disappointed.

    Wow. That sounds so good (and I don't even like cheese).