hi! im new

Hi everyone my name is Sam, I've had MFP installed on my iphone for the longest time but today is the day I'm finally going to commit to using it everyday. So I am 20 years old, female, 5'0, and weight 133 pounds.. As a child I was very slim and able to eat whatever I wanted but I guess now that I am older it's caught up with me. When I was 14, I was 120 pounds; I spent the summer before high school working out and was able to get down to 95 pounds. Since then I put on a few pounds here and there till I was about 115 pounds (which was still okay with me). After meeting my boyfriend last year and going through a lot of stress I neglected my body and health and here I am today 133 pounds :(. And as a shorter person 133 pounds looks like a lot and people have been asking me if I'm pregnant :( and it seriously crushes me to say "I'm just fat" all the time..

Anyways so I just wanted to share my story here on MFP, meet new people, and gain friends to hold my accountable to my goal of losing weight! :)


  • its great that you are starting young! You should have your BF work out with you, its always easier when someone else is with you. Good luck, you can do it!
  • TikkittyTack
    TikkittyTack Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Sam! I'm new here too! Nice to meet you !

    My story's quite similar to yours - I have been so stressed the past year that I had completely neglected my body. But I am here to improve.

  • I'm also ready to get healthier and get back to the weight I should be at. It's time! Friend me and we can help motivate each other :)
  • getfit1975
    getfit1975 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm new as of yesterday as well plus I am short too, ha! Friend me... too new beginings!
  • New Folks. I'm new here as well, but my purpose for joining is quite different. It's to help people lose weight. I was a thin kid, fairly built in High School. Then as I got older, started slowly putting on weight. I'm 5' 9" and when I hit 240lbs 39% Body Fat, I was having trouble sleeping, getting out of breath, asthma was getting really bad, and my face was getting red patches on it.

    I started by reading diet books. And trust me, I've read them all. Out of frustration; I.e. I'd lose 10 lbs, then gain 15lbs. All the information I was getting from all the books either contradicted themselves, or each other. Eat more protein, eat less protein, Eat lots of carbs, no carbs, etc.

    Out of frustration I decided to figure this out on my own, and began studying metabolism, endocrinology, molecular & cell biology, and biochemistry. I began to understand how it all worked, and developed my own plan. At first, the weight came off about 3-4 lbs a week, by week week 4 it started coming off 2-3 lbs a day! I was concerned I was losing weight too fast, so visited my doctor often, and the blood work always came back that I was in perfect health. I lost about 30lbs in less than 3 months. (Kept hitting plateaus which I figured out as well). Within 6 months I lost 110lbs. I ended up having to eat even more to bring my weight up to around 160.

    Today, I'm at 160lbs and 6% body fat. I have muscles, and full six-pack which are all cut. (Which btw you can't see unless you're at the 10% or less body fat)

    I've written a book on the knowledge I've learned, which I've held off as I've recently discovered benefits of whole foods, RAW, and additional information in molecular biology which I wanted to write into the book as well. Today I eat probably twice as much food as I did when I was fat. And the 1st 30lbs came off without exercising (I was too heavy, and my shins hurt to run). And I did it without starving myself.

    After the 1st 30lbs, my energy level sky rocketed. I'm a Infrastructure Architect (Computers), so sit at my desk alot. The energy was driving me nuts, so I started exercising, which made it worse (More energy). And the weight was pouring off as I was building muscle. So I started doing two programs a day (Insanity in the AM, P90X in evenings) not to build muscle, but to kill the insane energy. Before I knew it I dropped another 60lbs.

    Today I'm 85% RAW Vegan, and the other 15% I eat whatever I want. If you're interested in help, just ask. You can also visit my web site, where I've published two excerpts from my book, which I think everyone should understand; Body pH, and Enzymes. I also have photos on my gallery. The big pictures are not even my biggest. And the last photos I took were from last year, so I'm more fit even since last year. (I'll get new ones out soon.) I'm not a sickly muscular guy, that's not my goal. My goal, is having energy, being fit and strong, without bulk.

    Let me know how I can help.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Hi I too am 5 feet tall, exactly. I don't know where you got your numbers for determining what your ideal weight should be, but this is a good place to start. http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/mbf/ Please don't think you need to be 95 pounds. I'm older than you (42), so I should likely weigh a bit more, but I don't think 95 is healthy for either of us. My goal is 120-125. Anything under that and I think I would look sickly. Check out the link above to get healthy ideas for your body and use MFP. The support here is great. There are a few jerks, but they are mostly trolling the forums. I just started 2 weeks ago. I've lost 4.5 pounds and 6.5 inches so far. It works if you work it. Good luck to you and congrats on being smart enough to consider your health while you are still young.