I'm new and looking for friends!

cmcorn26 Posts: 253 Member
Hi, I have been on mfp since last friday and I love it! I have been telling my friends about it too! I have tried and tried to lose weight, and always finding an excuse...other people, no money, stress. This time I am doing this! This is the first time I have kept a diary of what is going in. I feel a difference already!
My life is about to change, a new job, a move to a state that is frigid in winter and I can feel the stress piling on. I caught myself "grazing" through the kitchen yesterday. Stopped myself, documented everything I ate and thought Wow, now you have not much left for dinner....and today I am feeling it happening all over again. Luckily I am at work where there isn't snacks....
Any suggestions on how to work through times like these?


  • bjslater3
    I am new myself and looking for accountability friends here just to help me stay on track...so add me as a friend please...and good luck to ya...i do find writing down what I eat has really helped....
  • sandrahulleman
    Focus, focus, focus.

    I just joined as well and I'm finding the weekends to be my most difficult time. That's when I'm around the house and I want to graze. That's usually when I will try to refocus and go for a walk, or grab something like a tomato and relish in the sweet deliciousness of it. (All the while trying not to be so crabby!!!)

    Keeping this food journal has really kept me on track and I'm diligent about what's going in my mouth.

    You (we) can do this and we will feel better doing it. (Actually, I feel better and I've been on this for about three weeks now.)

    My test will be a holiday to Toronto on the long weekend. But I'm planning on doing more walking, so I think I will be okay.
  • katiidawn
    katiidawn Posts: 1 Member
    A good idea is to always reach for low calorie snacks like fruit! :] I do that all the time. I walk into the kitchen and just get lost in there. I always feel bad in the end so it isnt worth it at all!
  • Esther50
    Esther50 Posts: 252
    Yes, I agree with the low calories snacks. I always have carrot sticks in the fridge.
    I have been here for a couple of months now and have learned a lot. Add me as a friend if you would like.

    Stop grazing!!