Anyone know about back child support?



  • dandaninc
    dandaninc Posts: 392
    all I know is if you dont give her your real name you dont have to pay.

    *eyeroll* not cool

    oh cmon....i support all of my kids...even the ones that im not sure are even mine.

    He really does and he has 19 of them.
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    Good luck on this...mine works under the table and didn't file taxes for years to avoid paying. He also put homes, vehicles, farm equipment, bank accounts in other people’s names. After a while, I just stopped fighting. It wasn't worth it to me because even when he had to pay via court order, they still wouldn't make him. Sure they would threaten to take away his license or something but he would be warned first...all you have to do is make a payment a couple times a year and your golden in California. It wasn't a ton of money either. What is funny is that the person that helped my ex avoid his obligation is now fighting him for the same’d think she would have learned by what he did tome...karma, lol!
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I've been going through this for nearly 9 years...... He owes about $13,000, and it would be a ton more if my husband didn't adopt my son 2 years back. He's always in jail, and when out never holds a legit job. The courts finally entered a judgement for him to pay back all the back child support (why this even had to happen considering it was done like 3 times already is beyond me) and for his wages to be garnished, but like i said, he will never hold a job.... he won't pay, they'll arrest him, but he won't do much time, and it won't do me any good.

    I've been through all the avenues. They don't help. The "justice" system is a bunch of crap. I was hoping I could use one of those settlement companies... Half is better than none.
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    If the court ordered an ex to pay all back child support, does this count as a structured settlement? I know he'd rather go to jail then pay and I'll never see a dime, but I'm hoping maybe those commercials i see on tv about getting money from your structured settlements could help..... :frown:

    My mom is in the same position and was told no.

    That they could only garnish his paychecks.... Guy can't keep a job. He makes Muzic.
    or They could take it out of his tax refunds... guy hasn't filed taxes a year in his life

    I know in GA you can get your license revoked and then thrown in jail, not sure about everywhere else. I have yet to see him thrown in jail and he stil drives without a license. He has done this to his ex-wife before, my mom and is working on his third. Complete deadbeat. I am sorry you are going through this as well.
  • 17ChargerGirl17
    Depending on what state you live in will decide how the Child Support System will go after a non paying parent.
    In California they actually put you in jail and take your license. I would go to the Child Support Office and tell them that you want it garnished from his pay check. That way you dont have to rely on the money coming from him. They receive it and it is mailed out to you or like in Idaho, It is put on a debit card.
    However, if the parent receiving Child Support is on any kind of public assistance, that money goes directly to the county office and the parent doesnt get it.
    Good luck....
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    They will doc his pay, take his tax returns, and throw him in jail. At least that is what they would do to me in the state of Massachusetts if I don't pay.

    What is this guys name?:bigsmile:

    I would love to track him down and brake his jaw for you. :devil:

    Only people that deserve to eat threw a straw deserve to not pay child support. :grumble:

    Donald Steve Phillips Jr. Last known to be in Alabama. Have at it my friend lol
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    Good luck on this...mine works under the table and didn't file taxes for years to avoid paying. He also put homes, vehicles, farm equipment, bank accounts in other people’s names. After a while, I just stopped fighting. It wasn't worth it to me because even when he had to pay via court order, they still wouldn't make him. Sure they would threaten to take away his license or something but he would be warned first...all you have to do is make a payment a couple times a year and your golden in California. It wasn't a ton of money either. What is funny is that the person that helped my ex avoid his obligation is now fighting him for the same’d think she would have learned by what he did tome...karma, lol!

    Mine is the same way. He even just married some chick *during his 3 yr stint in jail* , my son is 2 mind you. Pretty sure everything will go in her name (hence, why he married her) but not sure if b/c they are married if money can be taken from her (ie: taxes filed jointly or seperately)
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    I think all they can do is the general stuff like refuse his license renewal, seize his tax returns, bank accounts, etc. Because it's not a "sure thing", I don't think you could do a settlement, as the money isn't likely to ever come. And they'd likely take too much to be worth your while, similar to payday loan places.

    My ex owed me $$$ in back child support and it completely ruined his credit. Next up was his license, so he started paying.
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Doc their pay, take their taxes, take their license, and here in my state you can press charges (felony charges) if it's over a certain amount (5K I belive) which will eventually put them in jail. I've been told by several attorney's (in my state) if the amount is over 20K you can file to have their rights taken away, but have also been told it's still very hard to do.
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 999 Member
    all I know is if you dont give her your real name you dont have to pay.

    *eyeroll* not cool

    ^^Ditto. You make a baby - support that baby. Only A$$hats run away from their responsibilities.
  • 17ChargerGirl17
    Good luck on this...mine works under the table and didn't file taxes for years to avoid paying. He also put homes, vehicles, farm equipment, bank accounts in other people’s names. After a while, I just stopped fighting. It wasn't worth it to me because even when he had to pay via court order, they still wouldn't make him. Sure they would threaten to take away his license or something but he would be warned first...all you have to do is make a payment a couple times a year and your golden in California. It wasn't a ton of money either. What is funny is that the person that helped my ex avoid his obligation is now fighting him for the same’d think she would have learned by what he did tome...karma, lol!

    Mine is the same way. He even just married some chick *during his 3 yr stint in jail* , my son is 2 mind you. Pretty sure everything will go in her name (hence, why he married her) but not sure if b/c they are married if money can be taken from her (ie: taxes filed jointly or seperately)

    There is a form that can be filed out with the income tax so that they don't take her part of the taxes. But if they don't fill that out and file jointly, Yes all the money will be taken. LOL.. if you're lucky they're stupid and don't do it...
  • Lone_Wolf70
    Lone_Wolf70 Posts: 2,820 Member
    all I know is if you dont give her your real name you dont have to pay.

    *eyeroll* not cool

    oh cmon....i support all of my kids...even the ones that im not sure are even mine.

    He really does and he has 19 of them.

    I am prolific.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Wow. So, not only do they divorce you, they divorce their kids too?

  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member

    There is a form that can be filed out with the income tax so that they don't take her part of the taxes. But if they don't fill that out and file jointly, Yes all the money will be taken. LOL.. if you're lucky they're stupid and don't do it...

    my guess is the latter. Though, i'm not sure they'll even make it to tax time. Poor girl really thought she was different. (Sarcasm overload) Here it is, not even a month and a half after his release (not even 4 months after their joyous ceremony via tv screen during a visit) and there's trouble in paradise.

    Poor, poor girl.
  • joe7880
    joe7880 Posts: 92 Member
    I don't know much about how this works but I would contact child services in your state. Since your profile says your from Indiana, start here:

    Good luck.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    There are other means by which to get payment, but you have to know people. I firmly believe that the way you deal with someone that doesn't work in the system is by utilizing alternative means (outside of the system). There are people out there that will hunt him down, and basically "make" him pay, or else he will begin to lose limbs in a very very painful way. I would not hesitate to utilize those means, if I were a woman and justice system failed me.

    That stuff doesn't just happen in the movies. it's very real.

    It's not mean or cruel, it's business. You want your money. He has to pay. If he works under the table, these people you have helping you will know, and they will take his money. If he runs, they will find him. There really is no way out. Well, there is one way. But, all you are doing is asking for your money. It's up to him.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    If you can prove he's not paying, they can actually take it right out of his paychecks before he even sees the money and garnish them for it.

    Unfortunately non payers (men and women) that owe a lot tend not to work jobs where they are conventionally paid. Terminal avoiders:frown:

    Here in PA, you get docked anyway. Not only do you get docked, it's horrible! They don't base your c/s on how much money you actually make, but how much you could potentially make. if you're a nurse and get a job at McD's, you still owe at the amount a nurse makes.

    Send him to jail, he might change his mind. Also, if you go on welfare, in many states, they will charge HIM for it.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    If you can prove he's not paying, they can actually take it right out of his paychecks before he even sees the money and garnish them for it.

    Unfortunately non payers (men and women) that owe a lot tend not to work jobs where they are conventionally paid. Terminal avoiders:frown:

    Here in PA, you get docked anyway. Not only do you get docked, it's horrible! They don't base your c/s on how much money you actually make, but how much you could potentially make. if you're a nurse and get a job at McD's, you still owe at the amount a nurse makes.

    Send him to jail, he might change his mind. Also, if you go on welfare, in many states, they will charge HIM for it.

    I don't think you understand the problem. These guys work under the table for cash. They don't have bank accounts, they don't file taxes, they don't "own" a car. All accounts and cars and things are in other peoples names, and they work for cash, so they are off the radar. There is no record of them working. It's impossible to trace them down using traditional systemic methods.
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    My sons father is recently released from 3 yrs in jail, his probation (I believe- don't know for sure b/c they won't talk to me) requires him to have an ACTUAL job ON PAPER- but I have yet to see a dime so I can't be sure. I know that the type of person he is- if he can get away with not paying and working UNDER THE TABLE he will do just that.
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    they can take it out of his pay and even his unemployment payments before he sees the money, as well as tax returns or if money is ever owed to him for anything....government will take it and give it to u