Day 2 of Jillian Michaels BR-UGH!!!

Day 2 of body rev phase 1. Not to bad, but I did this evening and felt sick to my stomach. I think I should do the workouts in the morning. I was much better yesterday. Drinking water to help with my upset stomach now. Anyone else have this problem? Are mornings better?


  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    i do mine in the late afternoon/evening before i eat dinner. i have food in my system by then but i'm not starving/full and i can recover with a great healthy meal. it works for me, do what works best for you. i tried working out in the AM and wanted to puke and i was super weak.
  • jennifermaffei17
    I'm not doing body revolution yet, plan on getting it from Husband for anniversary or xmas this year to start on January 1st.
    But, I am on day 2 of 30DS. I'm sore from yesterday. Ugh but a hot shower to relax the muscles after the work out and a nice cup of tea when I get out of the shower should heal me up nicely...and a good nights sleep!
  • nicenurse2012
    I used to work out in the mornings and felt fine. I was lazy today, so I decided to do this evening. I am going to try again in the morning. I just hope this subsides..I hate this feeling...:sad:
  • nicenurse2012
    How do you like the 30 day shred? I almost bought yesterday at WalMart. Is it only 20 minutes? I don't want to go over 30 minutes a day. Body rev is 30 minutes which is a good time frame for me.
  • sleibo87
    sleibo87 Posts: 403 Member
    I switch. On my days off I do it in the morning to get my workout done with, but most days I do it after work at like 5 or 6ish. I feel sick if I eat right before any workout, but I notice if I workout in the evenings and have a small snack about an hour before I am much more energized then my morning workouts. I do not recommend working out after dinner, thats when most people eat the most and I would be way to drained, unless I just went for a nice walk!