Can anyone help me with breakfast

Right now I work early and do not have time to cook in the morning. I pretty much grab and go. Lately I've just been grabbing a banana and eating it in the car. What other things could I add do this? Maybe a Fiber bar I was thinking? I just dont want to eat too much or too little.

Thanks for the help.


  • mrsvezeau
    A good thing to grab in the morning is a hard boiled egg and fruit. I also work early and that seems to tide me over until i can have a snack later in the morning. You can get them already pre packaged and ready to go if you don't make them ahead of time.
  • schlieffen
    You can also make your own breakfast bars or muffins on the weekend then grab one on your way out the door. If you have time you can make a batch of pancakes and freeze them (just put wax paper or parchment paper between them) and pop them in the toaster to warm them up in the morning. This would work for me in a rush since I'm not a fan of syrups but wouldn't necessarily be a quick food for everyone.
  • diverliz
    I make 4" pancakes, freeze them, so I can pop them in the microwave while I'm getting my coffee. I put 1 piece of turkey bacon or sausage, wrap and go.
  • bettersusan
    bettersusan Posts: 240 Member
    I grab a granola bar. There are many good ones from which to choose. You can eat a Special K chocolate and pretzel bar for 90 calories. Nature Valley has a number of great varieties. The hard boiled egg is a great choice too. Get in some protein. Good luck!

  • bettersusan
    bettersusan Posts: 240 Member
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  • moms5boys
    I am a nurse and I also go to work very early.I take either a homemade granola bar or store bought ones.Nature valley bars are really good.I can eat this on the way to work and I pack my lunch so that I can plan my calories for the day.
  • mloren
    mloren Posts: 9 Member
    What I do is hard boil eggs for the week, peal put in plastic bags. so along with your bananna grab a protein the hard boiled egg. If you are can have salt throw some in the bag the night before. And of course that water bottle, good luck.
  • gpiller
    How about a Quaker Oatmeal to go.....or the Nature valley bars are really good too.
  • Brj1212
    Yea thanks alot these are all very good. Im going to go to the store this week and I'll get a buncha bars and some HB eggs.

    So im planning on having

    1 glass of milk
    1 banana
    1 egg or nature bar

    Is that too little, just right, or too much for breakfast?
  • jenstone217
    weight watchers has frozen smart ones breakfasts! they are delicious and easy to boyfriend even loves them!

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  • Romba
    Romba Posts: 164 Member
    You need a carb, protein, a fruit and a dairy. Grab a nutrition bar with protein, a fruit and yogurt (key lime pie is my favorite from 'Fiber One'). Sometimes I make Fiber One blueberry muffins ahead for the week so I can grab and go in the morning for 5 days, and drink a glass of juice or milk to mix it up.
  • greenfairy
    If you have a sweet tooth, Quaker makes these "Breakfast Cookies". I myself like the oatmeal raisin. They're not too big, nor too small... High in fiber (which will fill you for awhile) and taste really good when you heat them for 10 seconds in the microwave. This with your yogurt, fruit and hot beverage, is tastey and easy for travel.
  • gottagetitoff
    a piece of fruit (your bananas shouldn't be too ripe or they are all sugar!), opt for a citrus fruit or pear for great fiber and filling. Add to that a whole wheat snadwich thin (in bread aisle) toast, put on 1/2 cup cottage cheese, Yummy and very well rounded!
  • ATXrunner
    Whole wheat english muffin with peanut or almond butter (I also like to add a smidge of honey). The combo of unrefined carbs and good protein will keep you satisfied until lunch. And fruit is always a good snack in between meals. =)
  • Mandillynn
    I'm a fan of the Special K Protein Bars. They are perfect for me when I'm not going to have time to squeeze a meal in. One banana and the chocolate peanut butter bar is awesome, and it's 285 calories total. I give myself 300+ calories to work with for breakfast, so this is perfect for me. I don't make a habit of using this bars all the time, but a couple times a week, it's my saving grace... lol!
  • Citygirlx210
    Citygirlx210 Posts: 10 Member
    Try making a few omelets ahead and store in the fridge........30-45 seconds in the microwave and you are good to go! The texture may change a little, but the taste is about the same.
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    Yogurt and light string cheese does me good! Also, throw some egg beaters in a pan while you are getting ready in the morning, pop them in an Extreme Wellness low-carb tortilla, et voila -- breakfast burrito, perfect for eating while driving.