No idea what Im doing.

Hello, My name is Breanne... And I have no idea what Im doing when it comes to food. I want to watch my calories, but at the same time I dont want to obssess over it, I have looked at what I have been eating and have decided Im not going to focus so much on how much im eating but what Im eating.
I would like to try increasing my protein and decreasing my carbs.
The part I am have trouble with is I HATE MEAT. I can not eat red meat especially steak or roast, ground is okay but If its beef I get sick, I grew up on wild game because when I was young everytime I ate beef I had severe allergic reactions (what ever they fed the cows). But all together i just hate red meat. Chicken is okay bit I dont like dark meat and I have a hard time finding chicken that isn't mass production chicken. Working in the zoo industry I have come accross deformed and sad chickens (reject chickens that cant be used for human consumption) and they come from big name companies. I do like fish but I get bord with food and again I do not like mass production meat.
Anyway I guess what I need is an idea of what high protien low carb foods there are out there.


  • You don't need "too much" protein and in fact it is not good for you. A good way to know what you need is to divide your weight by 0.5 for the numer of grams you need a day to maintain your muscle. All the rest is just a tax on your system. MFP will calculate your protein, carbs and fats. You didn't say what your weight is or what you are trying to lose so whether you are in a lose weight mode or maintenace makes a difference. Do not eat more than 50% carbs; 25% protein and 25% fats. That is maintenace mode. You will have to adjust if you are in losing mode and reduce your fats and carbs.
    No fast food, ever. No soda or fruit juice. 2 liters miniumum water per day. No added sugars. Just think of food as gas for your car. Just eat what you need to "run". I am a Beachbody coach and Ideal Diet coach and you have to train your mind to think of food as a tool, a tool to run your organs and nothing more.
    Remember that 3500 calories = 1 pound so all the calories over your maintenance calories is stored as fat and you will never burn off the fat until you use up the carbs, the first place your body goes for energy. Just keep reading and studying how your body utilizes your food, and in what order. You are in control of what goes in your mouth and it is not obsession to be in control of that. It is called self-control and discipline and being a grown up. :)
  • Just wanted to add I have been a vegetarian (non meat eater) for ten years. Not political or religious, just because it makes me feel too full and I just think it is necessary or really good for me. I do eat fish. I am not vegan as I still have some dairy products but minimal. You can get complete protein (with amino acids) in many non-meat foods.
  • printererror
    printererror Posts: 48 Member
    I guess we're sort of on the same page here when it comes to no meat (I'm a vegetarian (: ).

    Have you tried Quinoa? Its a great food for protein, and very versatile. (Here's a good breakfast using it!

    Here are a few others that count as one serving of protien:
    1 cup skim or soy milk
    6oz plain nonfat Greek yogurt
    ½ cup nonfat cottage cheese
    ¼ cup nonfat ricotta or cream cheese
    1 slice reduced fat cheese
    ¼ cup reduced fat shredded cheese
    ¼ cup of egg whites
    3oz chicken, turkey, or fish
    ½ cup cooked beans or lentils
    ¼ package of tofu or tempeh

    The magazine 'Vegetarian' is great for recipes and tips and will give you the calorie/carb/protein count at the bottom of each recipe. (The articles are quite 'hippie', but they have great and tasty food!)
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    The part I am have trouble with is I HATE MEAT.

    You're in luck because most protein can be found in nuts, milk, soy, and fish. But too much protein is never a good thing so you don't have anything to worry about if you prefer to eat veggies and fruits.

    I have found that if you have an active life, you need more protein to repair the body and build it. But if you have a fairly INactive life, then you need less protein and more healthy fats and carbs. It just depends on your activity level.

    Fish is actually wonderful IMO because not only does it have healthy fats, it also is lean protein that makes your muscles not as bulky but equally strong. You can season it with spices, honey, or just grill it as is and serve it with a plate of yummy veggies.

    The hard part about dieting is knowing your body and what your body needs. That's up to you to figure out; just listen to your body. If you lack energy, then it's carb time; if you lack strength then it's protein time; if your craving something but you don't know what it is, it's water time!
  • Right sorry, I'm 21years old, 5'9 currently 186-189lbs and goal is 145-150lbs. I run 1-2 time s a week, do a body sculpt class once a week and a step cardio class once a week, sometimes I dont make it to the classes due to work, I work in a vet clinic and am on my feet 8-10 hours a day running back and forth and lifting dogs crates etc. I have also been watching my calorie intake for 4 months now and am usually good about not going over. I drink water but usually only when im working out, and I know I need to drink a lot more but i feel sick if i drink to much but im working on it. I have not lost any weight or inches in th elast 5 months and starting to get very discouraged. Just looking for new ideas or methods.