
jgodino Posts: 6
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm new here. I've tried the diet thing before, but lost the will power to do it soon after starting. This time i am committed to losing weight. I was wondering if walking at a medium pace is workout enough. I heard that walking is the best excercise, but has it paid off for anyone? I can't afford a gym membership right now, so I think for me it's the best thing. Any input is great!! Thanks!!


  • It is! the main idea is to do something everyday, it pays off, i was walking everyday for only like 10 minutes and after i stopped i gained weight, even if its little it works, it does at least something, but to make sure that you loose weight you have to do at least 45 minutes of cardio 5 times a week but even little exercise can keep new weight from coming on
  • For me that small amount of exercise helps maintain my motivation to go to my once-a-week aerobics class. If I didn't do a bit of walking everyday, I suspect I'd easily find excuses to miss the class.

    Don't make the mistake I did today though and go for a brisk walk up a steep hill, with baby on back, feel really proud of yourself, then get home famished because you've done so much exercise and then tuck into a bacon sandwich... kinda defeats the object!
  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    Welcome... I agree that something is ALWAYS better than nothing...

    You said you can't afford a gym membership but have you looked into your local YMCA... Something they have classes and are much more inexpensive than a gym! Just a thought
  • nakrya
    nakrya Posts: 191
    I'm new here. I've tried the diet thing before, but lost the will power to do it soon after starting. This time i am committed to losing weight. I was wondering if walking at a medium pace is workout enough. I heard that walking is the best excercise, but has it paid off for anyone? I can't afford a gym membership right now, so I think for me it's the best thing. Any input is great!! Thanks!!

    I walk home from work a couple of days a week rain or shine and it's a great stress reliever. I do prefer a bit more intensity i.e. jogging/running which I do on my actual workout days with my trainer. I would suggest walking at a medium pace to start off and then building up to a brisk pace. You wanna break a sweat :). Try different terrain, go uphill, etc. And if you're brave, you can start jogging too!

    Oh and you don't need to join a gym to get a good workout. If you can get a couple of free weights to do resistance training at home once or twice a week, you're well on your way. Park benches, stairs....there's so many things you can do outside!
  • 34at35
    34at35 Posts: 318
    It has paid off big time for me. The first 6-7 months of my journey it was pretty much all I did. Gradually built up to burning over 800 calories in about 60 minutes on the treadmill. But since then, at my doctor's suggestion, I have added in weight training and time on the recumbent bike since I have access to the fitness facility at work. More for toning than trying to become a weightlifter.

    And that has been very helpful and actually become fun!

    And, a word of advice, DO NOT consider this a "diet thing". You will be more successful in the long run if you realize that you are making a lifestyle change and not going on a "diet".
  • themetra
    themetra Posts: 174 Member
    I used to walk my dog 5-6 days a week about 3 miles a day, I wasn't walkng fast, it would take us about 45 minutes to that distance, and I would say i lost about 10 lbs in a six week time period, and that was all I did. Good luck to you!
  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    I love walking. I walk for 60 minutes on the treadmill at a speed of 4 incline of 5 every morning. At work we recently brought in some weighted medicine balls. we so far fave the 2 lb and 6 lb. We use these throughout the day, I also sit on an exercise ball for a chair and every morning I do 100 sit ups. We also do an additional walk a few days a week on our lunch breaks. I've been known to jog as well, but I find for my body, mind and soul for walking to be the best and most beneficial. Good luck to you! And welcome back to weight loss. Together we all can succeed!
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Yes! Walking is great. A 30 minute walk 4 times a week was the ONLY exercise I got for the first couple months I was here and I lost about a pound a week consistently. I really think if I had started out at the gym or something, I would have burned out too quickly and gave up like all the other times. But walking started me out slow, and got me in better shape to try other exercises.

    I started by going for a 30 minute walk on my lunch break at work. It was a nice escape to get away from my desk and enjoy some fresh air and sunshine. I would pop in my Ipod and just forget all my stresses. It became something I actually looked forward to doing. At first my shins really hurt, at the end of my walk they hurt really bad and I couldn't go very far, but within a few weeks I noticed the pain lessening and within a couple months the pain was totally gone. I've since done an 8K and a 10K and I can keep up with people when we're walking a long ways.

    Then I started walking at a local park on the weekends and I saw a lot of bikers, so that inspired me to buy a bike from Target and start riding.....so then THAT became my main source of exercise and it was fun. Now that winter is here I joined a gym, and I do the stationary bike, the treadmill (running, I never thought I would run more than a minute) and circuit training, but I can't wait for warmer weather to walk and bike again.

    So yes walking is great because it raises your heart beat, helps tone a lot (especially if you pump your arms and/or use some small weights) and its low impact so it won't do any damage to your joints. So get out there and walk, and ya never know what other exercises it could lead to, but even if it doesn't, walking is still a great work out.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I also started this journey with mainly walking. I would walk 3 miles with my mom and the dog in about an hour (3 mph or 20 min mile) everyday. As I Iost weight and got into better shape, I added C25K training (jogging/power walking) and some step aerobics. I still walk every day but now that winter has set in, I do it on the treadmill or with one of Leslie Sansone's walking DVDs.

    Not every workout has to be a sweat fest. For me getting up and moving was more activity than I had been doing before. You will see quicker results if you work harder but I am in it for the long haul. My plan is to lose weight slowly in a way that makes me happy so that I will be able to keep it off. I wish you the best of luck.
  • lemonllama
    lemonllama Posts: 124 Member
    but to make sure that you loose weight you have to do at least 45 minutes of cardio 5 times a week but even little exercise can keep new weight from coming on

    I dont necessary believe this at all. I lost about 40lbs with hardly exercising, just walking somedays if i felt like it, do a video if i felt like it, some weeks i'd do nothing, just changed my diet, and none of it came back for the first time!! When I worked out a lot a few years ago and lost weight, as soon as i stopped working out the weight all came back on!! So my believe is fix the diet first, then add exercise into it!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    So my believe is fix the diet first, then add exercise into it!!

    I agree with this statement. MFP is designed so that by just watching your calories and hopefully eating better, you will lose weight. Exercise is encouraged to help make you healthier and burn more calories. This is why you should "eat your exercise calories."
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    When I started walking, for the first several months, I walked at Wal-Mart or Target. There is not a mall nearby and it was too hot to walk outside. I would get a basket and push it as quickly as I could (which was NOT fast by any stretch of the imagination!) After awhile I felt stronger and was walking better so I added 100 pounds of Kitty Litter to the basket and pushed it for about an hour.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    When I started walking, for the first several months, I walked at Wal-Mart or Target. There is not a mall nearby and it was too hot to walk outside. I would get a basket and push it as quickly as I could (which was NOT fast by any stretch of the imagination!) After awhile I felt stronger and was walking better so I added 100 pounds of Kitty Litter to the basket and pushed it for about an hour.

    Smart. Use what you can!
    I also started parking far away when I go places so the walk in is longer. I also use a basket at the store not a cart. I do curls as I shop. lol
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    You asked if walking by itself was "effective."

    My ticker tells the tale. I lost 50 lbs. in 8 months using walking as my only exercise. During the summer I was doing 24-30 miles per week. I am now doing strength training for toning, but walking is still my cardio exercise of choice. I don't belong to a gym and don't plan to join one. I am not a fan of walking in the rain, so during the rainy season, I have been walking in a shopping mall. When weather permits, I walk with my three pesky little doggies. Their pace isn't as fast as me walking on my own, but I still do ok.

    The two most important points to walking are a safe place to walk, and good shoes. Then, "just do it." A pedometer can help you keep track of things, but I don't use one. I drive the routes that I walk in my neighborhood. By keeping track of my time when I walk, I can figure what my speed is, which allows me to use the exercise database to calculate my calories.

    Good luck with your walking program.
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