What do YOU eat on days when you feel like a bottomless pit?



  • zozzabubba
    zozzabubba Posts: 137 Member
    I keep little boxes of frozen fruits (raspberries, blueberries, banana, mango, pineapple, blackberries) in my freezer at all times. If I'm between meals and wanting to snack, I'll grab one of them. They're good because I have good-sized boxes to make it a reasonable sized snack but I get nowhere near overeating. Also, as it's frozen, it takes me a good half hour to eat the whole box because my mouth is pretty sensitive to cold so I need to go reeeeally slow. As it's fruit, it's high in water and fibre and very low cal, so it's all pluses! My boxes are usually (depending on the fruit) 80-130g and 60-100 cals each.

    I also keep diet Hanson's sodas in my fridge at all times. All natural, no caffeine, zero calorie sodas. They seem to be more carbonated than other sodas meaning they definitely make you feel fuller, and they taste really good, but don't have a ton of crap in them like most other diet sodas. Pair up one of these sodas with a box of blueberries and I'm satisfied for a good few hours, for only about 70 cals.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    I eat. we dont keep a lot of junk so i cant do much damage.
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    But running 10k just before made it a pretty easy choice too! :)
    Well, my daughter just made this for the family so I had to try a piece tonight! :)

  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    Some days I do sooo well because my hunger is normal...It's all good. BUT THEN I have days when I just feel soooooo HUNGRY and it's like NOTHING satisfies me. How do YOU deal with those days?

    I typically take two tablespoons of peanut butter, and I'm sated.
  • I don't know what to day... don't want to sabotage you, but on days when I am really really hungry, I listen to my body and eat. Then just try to start over the next day. I've lost 25 pounds so far, so it still has worked out for me.
    It doesn't hurt to add in an extra work out, but sometimes that is a challenge too. :) listen to your body.
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    I had a day like this yesterday. Went over on my cals, but stuck to healthy options! What did it for this time was a small sandwich; I guess I needed the carbs. I'd been trying protein, protein, protein all day, but it didn't help.
  • Shirataki noodles and protein.
  • DonnaLeeCattes
    DonnaLeeCattes Posts: 492 Member
    I make air popcorn, it's very low in calories and filling. I know not all like the air pop.
  • mm9660
    mm9660 Posts: 10
    I eat fruit and lots of it. Watermelon, grapes, anything that will be sweet and give me the illusion of having had a treat or being full.
  • lifesazoo
    lifesazoo Posts: 118
    My favorites are to eat peanut better and Nutella on a slice of whole grain bread. The bread and peanut butter fill you up and the Nutella fixes any chocolate cravings. Also, having single servings of whole grain cereals in zip loc bags really helps control how much you eat. My new favorite is Special K Dark Chocolate. It's very filling and tastes more like a treat than a healthy cereal.
  • dmh0204
    dmh0204 Posts: 81
    Room temperature water. An entire pack of "dessert" gum. Peppermints. Chicken broth. Hot tea sweetened with a low calorie sweetener. Fresh fruits sweetened with a low calorie sweetener. Broccoli. More broccoli.

    And recently, for those afternoon cravings, Snyder's of Hanover Honey Wheat Pretzel Sticks (8 to 16) with a room temperature diet coke. The combination of the really dry pretzels, which are salty and sweet, and the warm diet coke, which always seems to fill up my belly, is just satisfying. And eating 8 to 16 pretzels actually seems like a lot. By the time I get to the end of the serving, I am always thinking, I can't believe I have 3 or 4 more left, because my craving is satsified.
  • xxempress
    xxempress Posts: 122
    Tons & tons of water!!!
  • LauraLee66
    LauraLee66 Posts: 3 Member
    My bottomless pit time always seems to be after dinner and before bed....not good
  • InvidiaXII
    InvidiaXII Posts: 315 Member
    Huge bowls of shirataki noodles! HUGE!
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    Some days I do sooo well because my hunger is normal...It's all good. BUT THEN I have days when I just feel soooooo HUNGRY and it's like NOTHING satisfies me. How do YOU deal with those days?

    What do you find yourself reaching for? Clearly your normal diet is lacking something.
  • Halleeon
    Halleeon Posts: 309 Member
    Lots of protein, lots of it. Extra water as well. Double check that I'm eating my BMR at minimum. Sometimes, I will just eat over my calories limit (with healthy foods) because my body may be really needing it at that point. I just make sure I am doing "well" the other days and it all evens itself out.
  • I try to have a couple hard boiled eggs or maybe some almonds. I have days like this all the time. On Tuesdays, I have spin, body pump, and body combat and I seem to be hungry all day long. I try to stick to my normal eating, but you should replace what you burn on heavy cardio days. You want to make sure that you don't go too low because your body needs energy. I used to have a lot of trouble with this and think that the more I burned, the better I was doing. The fact of the matter is that your muscles need protein and when your caloric intake is too low, the protein is used for fuel instead of for repairing and building muscle. By going too low, you're actually slowing down your metabolism and preventing your muscles from growing or toning. Muscle burns calories just by existing and you should try and make sure that you eat enough to maintain tone. The benefit of this is longer term and will ultimately burn more calories.
  • Xstitcher74
    Xstitcher74 Posts: 124 Member
    I find myself eating almonds or peanut butter on the days I'm feeling extra hungry. I eat peanut butter by the spoonfuls sometimes.

    Yup! Me too!
  • philipjm
    philipjm Posts: 9 Member
    If I am out of calories I eat dill pickles or cucumbers
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    Everything in sight! lol
    No, seriously.
    I try to give myself serious NUTRITION.
    I try lo-cal fizzy drinks (Zevia, Cas Cal, GT Dave's Synergy, Sparkling water, etc)
    I try to pace my eating....like I'll tell myself, "eat this....then you can eat that in 2 hours."

    A hot drink like decaf coffee or sleepytime tea, before bed, to put a stop to my eating and get to bed.