

  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    You will have up days and down days throughout your journey, so don't lose heart. Sometimes I can fly right through an Insanity workout, and other times I struggle all the way through it. But don't get down on yourself! All that matters is you made an effort and tried your best!! :wink:
  • fairc3jam
    fairc3jam Posts: 136 Member
    A good question you should be asking yourself is why did you fail? Did you have enough carbs to power through? Were you sleep deprived or stressed out or otherwise already exhausted? Were you properly hydrated? Had you taken (or not) any medications in the last 24-48 hours? What time of day did you do your run? Did you warm up and stretch first?

    Failure is information. Answer these questions, then adjust your strategy and try again. If you fail again, ask more questions, adjust and try again. Repeat.

    Good point!
  • Mstaton1018
    Mstaton1018 Posts: 1 Member
    Just get out there tomorrow or the next day and try again-everyone has bad runs! I ran into the same problem when i hit week 5 of C25K when you had to run the 20 min but got out there 2 days later and killed it- You'll get there have faith and allow yourself to be pissed -you'll be that much more determined the next time.
  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member
    This happens to everyone. EVERYONE. Olympic athletes, beginners, everyone. It's not a moral failing.

    If you NEVER have a day when you can't quite reach your workout goal, it's likely a sign that your goals aren't ambitious enough.
  • bwcrouch
    bwcrouch Posts: 105 Member
    Only way to fail is to not try or to quit. Check out:

    Your library may have it. I used this to take my couch potatoe kids from 0 to 5k in 8 weeks. Our goal was 30 minutes but ended up finishing our race around 32-33 minutes. Jeff Galloway encourages the walk breaks, you just need to reduce the ratio as time goes on slowly minimizing the walk time. I have a friend that used this same book to train for and complete a first marathon.

    Hang in there .... running is great. As a side note, I usually run on a local high school track because it is rubberized which takes alot of stress off your joints. Plus, it makes it easy to get a feel for the pace you are running.
  • trixiemou
    trixiemou Posts: 554 Member
    Yeah, but you KNOW that you are gonna do it!!!

    Enjoy the effort you are having to put into the trying to get there.

    So what you gonna do next?
  • nellelaughs

    Tonight, I started week 4 of C25K ... I was STRUGGLING from the BEGINNING!! The first 3 minute span almost KILLED me!! But I struggled through it, the 90 second walk, and I barely made it through the first 5 minute run, but I did make it!! Then I made it through the 2.5 minute walk and the second 3 minute run ... THEN the last 5 minute run!!

    Week 4 is really hard, most people have to repeat it before moving up to week 5.
  • klewlis
    klewlis Posts: 79 Member
    Even the best runners have bad runs sometimes. It's normal, and no reason to be so upset. Unless you're competing for money (you're not ;), it doesn't matter. You will go out another day and try again, and if you keep at it you will improve.
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    Failure is when you give up totally and QUIT because of one incomplete workout.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    In the words of The Great One
    "You miss 100% of the shots you never take"

    TRYING is the important part.