Help, I need somebody :p

I started MFP last year in February and I lost over 25 pounds. I gained all that back and I am feeling pretty down. I weight 145 now and I feel super sad because I have started to give up on dieting. The skinny wardrobe I bought in April does not fit me and all of my jeans are too small. I tried juicing and i did not have will power to not open the fridge and grab food. I am not sure why I am eating so much lately (and no I am not preggo). What would you suggest to help me get back into this. I want to be healthy but I eat so much lately... for no reason :X A food journal perhaps?


  • johnnymac999
    johnnymac999 Posts: 3 Member
    Just my two cents - change happens over time, and kicking yourself for ups and downs doesn't help. My weight loss (life change) has taken almost three years. And it is because I made changes I could live with, small changes over time. I have never considered it dieting - I have always considered it 'working for my food'. I became religious about logging my exercise and everything I ate on MFP, and I could see the numbers daily.

    Just stay calm, believe in yourself. Also look for the inspiring every day - someone who beat the odds, someone who is focused. Set new goals (reasonable - not 25 lbs in three weeks, for example) but 3 lbs per week. Even a site like this will help :

    Enjoy your own company.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    ahhh now the beatles song is in my head from your title =P
  • womaniam
    womaniam Posts: 104 Member
    Johnnymac said it best!!
  • Demi928
    Demi928 Posts: 14 Member
    Just don't beat yourself up...if you have stress in your life, try to get rid of that. Whether it's internal or external, stress can cause cravings. Keeping a journal, not just for food, but to de-stress is a good way to also figure out the root cause of the issue.

    Good luck!
  • ReadyToShine
    I agree 100% with Johnny. I follow on facebook I swear sometimes he really gets me through the day!!
  • Rocking_Robin
    Rocking_Robin Posts: 238 Member
    A food journal would help and yes, logging everything you eat or drink on MFP is a step in the right direction. :) I like what Johnnymac999 said too....Good Luck!
  • cmcorn26
    cmcorn26 Posts: 253 Member
    You just took the first step! Take one day at a time! Think ahead, put your brain in forward motion, because you can't change the past.
  • Esther50
    Esther50 Posts: 252
    You did it last year. You can do it this year. Take it slow, small changes that are not going to overwhelm you.
    It is going to take a long time so be patient.
  • suzzie07
    suzzie07 Posts: 6 Member
    hang in there. the food journal is what motivates me. here it is so easy. just click and the calories are listed. what amazed me is many things I assumed were low in calories were really higher than I thought. It made me pay more attention to what I was eating. I don't deny myself anything, I just don't eat everything I like in one day. If I eat out and we eat chips and salsa, I don't go home and snack on more junk food later on. After awhile I started to pay attention to how many chips I ate. I know they list everything here such as sugars, carbs ect., but for me I had to pick one thing and I try to follow it. I coose the calorie count. I don't run out and go excersize all of the time. I have a tread mill in my own home. After work and family I just could not commit to a regular schedule to go to a gym. one thing at a time. One day at a time. It will come. For me it is more slow and steady. I read the motivation boards a lot. They really do help. Hope this helps some what.
  • mjg08060
    mjg08060 Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks for all of the words of encouragement guys. You are all so kind. I think your right, take it one day at a time and work things in slowly. Its true, change won't happen over night and its unrealistic for me to expect it to. The past is the past and the future is the new me. You all make me smile. Thank you :)
  • mjg08060
    mjg08060 Posts: 104 Member
    Just my two cents - change happens over time, and kicking yourself for ups and downs doesn't help. My weight loss (life change) has taken almost three years. And it is because I made changes I could live with, small changes over time. I have never considered it dieting - I have always considered it 'working for my food'. I became religious about logging my exercise and everything I ate on MFP, and I could see the numbers daily.

    Just stay calm, believe in yourself. Also look for the inspiring every day - someone who beat the odds, someone who is focused. Set new goals (reasonable - not 25 lbs in three weeks, for example) but 3 lbs per week. Even a site like this will help :

    Enjoy your own company.

    Thank you so very much for the motivation. I really appreciate it. Its always nice to hear about the journey others have taken because it helps me remember I am not alone, I went to the website you attached and I think it will be very helpful. Thank you so much!!!
  • childofArtemis24
    Honey, I am right there with you. When I met my husband I weighed 100 pounds. Now I weigh 164! I have a tummy disease that causes me to fluctuate weight! I have a whole closet full of skinny clothes that I Can Not Wear Now!!!! But I know just as soon as I get rid of them I will get sick again!
    And I have also began eating stuff for no reason at all! And No I am not pregnant either! Even though we are trying , but no luck! So I am trying very hard to control these craving, cutting pop, trying to cut out bread, etc.
    Might I suggest Zumba, I do a class 3 times a week, and half the weight I have gained is muscle ( in my butt, lol) . But that will help relieve some stress, and tone up that extra weight you have gained. Believe me it works, and it is so much fun, it doesn't even seem like a workout.
  • kathleend321
    I also gained a lot of weight after losing weight. I lost about 40 pounds and now ive gained about 20 back and cant seem to get back into the swing of things! I also tried juicing, which was a good experience but not what I expected. I understand exactly how you feel and if you need someone to talk to or motivation I'm here! : )