When to stop...



  • MrsFolk
    MrsFolk Posts: 205
    Congratulations!! n____n

    BMI is redonkulous to me, sorry, haha

    I agree with other members, readjust your calorie intake and work on general fitness. (like running faster, or maybe lifting a little heavier weights) If you're happy with your weight, awesome! I'd personally would mix it up with different/more challenging workouts, just to kick in some variety in life! :-)

    I absolutely agree with this. My BMI is at 26 (I think) right now and according to the BMI, my 'ideal' weight is 162 pounds. I weighed 207 lbs as of this morning. Please let me know if you think I have 45 more lbs to lose!!! :)

    I agree. BMI charts put me at overweight (BMI of 25). I'm short - 5'2" but I'm muscular and my legs are nicely defined. If you're happy and healthy - that's all that matters :)
  • mmackiewicz9
    How about adding some strength training to your routine? That will tone your muscles and increase your metabolism. Fit is way better than skinny