keep falling off ..

not new ..always lurking, and keep falling off .. i need friends :- (
this time it better be it ..


    PHYLLISALEXIS Posts: 55 Member
    I know the feeling all too well. I lost 75 lbs and put on 85 of that. Now I am trying and will lose this weight again and like yourself this time better be it Phyllis
  • csi4us
    csi4us Posts: 74
    So what if u had a set back. We have all been there. Don't get discouraged get back on. Stick to your goals. Picture your self at the gym. How hard did you work out? Know ask ourself do I really want to eat another serving? Was my workout for nothing. Remind ourself why you are doing this. Stick to it!
  • meganrpelican
    meganrpelican Posts: 51 Member
    Hi, I just joined MFP this week.Im 25 and a waitress. I gained over 30 pounds in college from a brain tumor, that was four years ago...tumors gone but the weight has been here to stay. I have finally had enough. Ive tried alot of times to lose weight with no success. There is no excuse so im crackin down. i understand the frustations of falling off the wagon. Its hard to lose weight without support.
  • red0101
    red0101 Posts: 14
    i feel like crying ..such kind words ..thnks
  • JadaRG
    JadaRG Posts: 16 Member
    Keep going! Just take it one meal and one work out a day, and before you know it - you're back on track!
  • kathleend321
    I have the same problem. I'll be strong for three days and then completely give up and binge. I need a diet buddy asap! Here I have so much pressure from friends to eat out and have fatty foods!
  • meganrpelican
    meganrpelican Posts: 51 Member
    Right! My boyfriend dragged me to a buffet yesterday. I thought i watched what i ate but when i entered my food i blew my calorie goal for the day. Its hard cuz u dont wanna be that person...sitting there making a fuss about where to eat all the time. But i also dont want to get any bigger and work out for nothing
  • aprice520
    aprice520 Posts: 1 Member
    Dig deep, you have to want it bad's about lifestyle changes.
  • smalltownhero
    smalltownhero Posts: 31 Member
    I sent you a friends request. I keep falling off the wagon to, but this time, I'm back for good.. I have to make myself do this for my health.. I will gladly be your friend here and we can help each other along the way!
  • maeberrypie
    maeberrypie Posts: 6 Member
    The best part about your post is that you keep trying...not everyone can say that so you must have some incredible fight in you!!!:smile: Keep it up you can do this!!!!!
  • Kaylee_law_123
    Kaylee_law_123 Posts: 450 Member
    I fell off the wagon, slightly, but now am back on as well.

    I realised how much this is a lifestyle change not a diet and I need to remember the lessons it has taught me.

    Good luck to you :-)
  • red0101
    red0101 Posts: 14
    ..i lost my grandmother to heart failure, and my parents have blood pressure. my weight is ok but my eating habits is all over the place. i wish to learn to eat better so i can avoid the same problems. thanks again and i hope i can help others out too