Need Support - Weight Loss for Health


My name is Sara and I'm happily married to my long time sweetheart (we're headed to our 2nd year mark).

Right now my goal is to lose the extra weight I've gained since my broken foot just before my wedding and then to continue and strip away the pounds I still needed to lose back then. I know I've done this in the past and it's heart breaking to have to start from scratch again but I need to do it.

I'm doing this so I can have a family with my husband and so I can look and feel good in my own body. So if there are others out there in a similar situation as myself, - Let's be friends!


  • chatter46
    chatter46 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I'm kind of in the same boat....ish!
    I'm married to the love of my life
    I put on 80 lbs with my first son (max 250lbs), and then lost 50 of it after he was born.
    I then put on 25lbs with my second son....and lost weight until was stuck at or around 180lbs for years
    My sister and niece died in 2010, and I packed on weight until I was 230lbs again:( :(
    I'm a huge emotional eater, I've yoyo'd without the dieting (I've never been able to stick to one to save my life!!!) and am ridiculously bad at wanting things to go faster and show more results. But, I'm persevering and have lost 10 lbs, and am GOING TO DO THIS AND KEEP IT OFF THIS TIME!!!
    I'm looking for friends on this site too, to help with keeping me on track. Kicking my butt when I need it, and I kick their butt.
    My hubby and kids aren't interested at all, so basically I'm making my meals as the main meal, and then they can have the side dishes that they love but that I will avoid. It's kinda like making 2 meals...but not I guess.
    I'd love to be your friend!!