Quality and quantity of food

So I am having a really hard time with weight loss because of eating. I am not horribly overweight by any means... I exercise very well and as I should however my eating habits are horrible. Some days I eat great. No problem.. it's the days I binge out on all those yummy things like peanut butter or cookies, or making homemade burritos with way too many crackers and salsa or homemade spaghetti. Now I understand...eat in moderation.. some say don't limit yourself to what you can eat just limit quantity or vise versa but I can't seem to maintain either. It just comes simply to once I think of something that sounds delicious. I find a way to make it and eat lots of it.
So. What is your motivation to eat right in the right quantities? For those who struggle with the same, how do you control yourself? Distractions like doing something else seem hardly enough.


  • SkinnierPlz
    I am completely the same! I enjoy my fitness and am at the gym3-4 times per week, as well as running around after 3 little kids. My eating habits were ruining my fitness because I was eating too much too often, and the wrong food. I have started my like 100th diet this week and really try to keep myself distracted from food or have my own mantra's to make me stay away from certain foods (like, "you can eat it, but it will make you fat!") which sometimes work. I am on to day 4 of my diet (1200 cals per day) and am finally starting to feel some control over eating (my hunger is not as bad nor my anxiety to eat everything!). I am just hoping if I slip up again I can now get back to the diet the next day.

    It's hard when you love food & eating so much to stay slim & fit! Good luck.
  • sammyjo0402
    sammyjo0402 Posts: 106 Member
    Thanks! Yeah! My goal is 1200 cal. as well... I am shorter and as I said.. not necessarily overweight by any means.. I'd like to just slim and tone up and control this obsessive eating habit.
    Those meaningless comments.. I make similar to myself all the time. More so saying.. you'll regret it. And I do, every time. I've read a lot on it and have a lot of "tips" to appetite suppressing. Higher fats at breakfast..don't wait to eat until you're ravishing hungry, focus on what you eat, get enough sleep... and from one comment I've read on here... Don't eat your highest carb meal right before bed (now whether THAT is true or not I'm not sure... haven't looked too much into that yet but his logic sounded reasonable so.. I try to apply it).
    In any case... yes. I don't like to consider myself on a diet because well... how many people break diets and cringe at the thought of one? I just want to eat better.. lose at most 10 lbs.. tone up.. and most importantly ESTABLISH a better eating plan.
    Any other suggestions would be g-r-e-a-t.
  • jojorocksforeva
    jojorocksforeva Posts: 303 Member
    I feel the same way its hard but it needs to bee done for weight loss foods act differently in the body some get digested quicker than others some spike insulin right away and store fat.. while others dont give such a raise on the insulin and makes you use your fat storage... and fat actually burns fat. but make sure its the healthy fats. like omega 3 in fish ect.