is it possible?

I really want to lost 40 pounds by halloween. Like I REALLY want too. Any ideas how many calories id need to burn a day or per week, and how much I should eat a day to achieve the goal? I weigh 206 right now by the way and I'm 54".


  • jen350z
    jen350z Posts: 48
    That is a lot to lose in a month and a half but its possible. I lost 10 pounds in 9 days because I just worked out a lot. I would suggest working out as much as you can. Lowest I would go on the calories is 1200 as a goal. You dont want to starve yourself. I would also suggest lowering carb intake. Lots and lots of water.

    Good luck. You can do it.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    What's with the date? It's not a good idea. You'd have to lose 4lbs/week, which would equate to a 14,000 calorie deficit per week, 2,000 calorie deficit per day. It's an unhealthy weight loss speed, and it's not possible to lose fat that fast, so you will end up losing a lot of muscle. 20lbs would be a much more reasonable goal.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    That is a lot to lose in a month and a half but its possible. I lost 10 pounds in 9 days because I just worked out a lot. I would suggest working out as much as you can. Lowest I would go on the calories is 1200 as a goal. You dont want to starve yourself. I would also suggest lowering carb intake. Lots and lots of water.

    Good luck. You can do it.
    Initial weight loss is mostly water. Of that 10lbs you lost, probably 7 was water. You couldn't keep that speed up for 2 months. without some sort of medical intervention.
  • Sarahbearah05
    Well with the date, its bc I wanna look hot for halloween lol. I know any will be grea, but I really have my heart set on a one costume. Also I knew I would hve people saying it wasn't healthy. I'm sure I won't lose that much weight, but that's my goal! Lol.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Not possible. Set your sights on Halloween 2013, and start making the correct choices now. You'll be fit by spring and I'm sure you'll find something to do with your new body between then an Halloween.
  • JadaRG
    JadaRG Posts: 16 Member
    I agree with DavPaul! Its not a sprint, its a marathon. You have to make a lifestyle choice to be healthy, fit and strong and that can take several months if not a year to really change your ways! I think you also need to build a positive body image. You have to love who you are first, because you won't look after what you don't love! Dw, about that Halloween costume. Get someone to make it fit you, rather than trying to fit into it and focus on your long term goal!
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Well with the date, its bc I wanna look hot for halloween lol. I know any will be grea, but I really have my heart set on a one costume. Also I knew I would hve people saying it wasn't healthy. I'm sure I won't lose that much weight, but that's my goal! Lol.

    its not just about it being unhealthy. It has been shown over and over and over (and over and over) again, that when people try to shed a lot of weight fast, they might have some success at first, but because their extremely restricted lifestyle is not sustainable, they don't form the right habits to keep the weight off, and it comes back plus some. This isn't just something that happens to some people, this is standard for people who focus on the short term goal instead of the long term changes.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Not possible. Set your sights on Halloween 2013, and start making the correct choices now. You'll be fit by spring and I'm sure you'll find something to do with your new body between then an Halloween.

    ^ This. You didn't gain it all in 2 months, you're not losing it in 2.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    it is possible, if you had started in January
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I really want to lost 40 pounds by halloween. Like I REALLY want too. Any ideas how many calories id need to burn a day or per week, and how much I should eat a day to achieve the goal? I weigh 206 right now by the way and I'm 54".


  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    That's extremely unhealthy. Guarantee anything you do to get you anywhere close to that goal will backfire, and you'll gain back what you lost and then some, aside from other potential side effects. Pick a different HOT costume. and aim for this one next year!
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    Well with the date, its bc I wanna look hot for halloween lol. I know any will be grea, but I really have my heart set on a one costume. Also I knew I would hve people saying it wasn't healthy. I'm sure I won't lose that much weight, but that's my goal! Lol.

    You already look adorable! Just make some changes and keep on trucking. Find a costume that flatters your favorite body parts, and don't obsess over a number on the scale. Make some good changes, and you'll probably be well on your way to looking hot by then.

    Don't obsess over one night! Just take it all in stride :)
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member

    Not possible. Set your sights on Halloween 2013, and start making the correct choices now. You'll be fit by spring and I'm sure you'll find something to do with your new body between then an Halloween.

    How about buy the costume a size up?
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    Anything's possible, the question you should be asking is: Is it healthy?
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I have no clue if it is possible, even actors who lose weight for movies take 6 months…
  • SelenityJ
    SelenityJ Posts: 168 Member
    I've lost about 30 lbs in the same time frame you're wanting to lose 40lbs. I've done it by eating healthy and putting in healthy snack options to eat and following the Harcombe diet. I also exercise multiple times per day and drink alot of water. I've completely cut out soda from my diet and unless that is the only thing to drink I do not drink it.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I've lost about 30 lbs in the same time frame you're wanting to lose 40lbs. I've done it by eating healthy and putting in healthy snack options to eat and following the Harcombe diet. I also exercise multiple times per day and drink alot of water. I've completely cut out soda from my diet and unless that is the only thing to drink I do not drink it.

    The first 30 out of 135 to lose are very different than 40 to goal. Its like comparing the first 2 minutes and the last 2 minutes of a football game.
  • KNarrainen
    KNarrainen Posts: 135 Member
    Unfortunately it's very unlikely you would be able to lose that amount of weight in that time.

    You could make a good start on it though.

    Aim for 2lbs a week which would still have you losing about 12lbs.

    If you aim for something that is not achievable, you may be so disappointed that you lose heart in trying to lose at all, and that's when most people put it all back on and sometimes more.

    THe only way to do it properly is to do it over time, your long term health and happiness is far more important than a costume you will wear on one night of the year.
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    Well with the date, its bc I wanna look hot for halloween lol. I know any will be grea, but I really have my heart set on a one costume. Also I knew I would hve people saying it wasn't healthy. I'm sure I won't lose that much weight, but that's my goal! Lol.
    So, why ask the question if you don't care about the answers?:huh:
  • PJ_73
    PJ_73 Posts: 331 Member
    Wow, that's a lot of weight in a short period of time!

    My goal is 53lbs and I hope to achieve that in around 10 months - although I am realistic that it will possibly take longer.

    Not sure how you would achieve 40lbs in essentialy two months without starving yourself!

    I agree with others, set yourself a more achievable target and take it slowly and ensure the weight stays off.

    As for the outfit, will be as cute a size or two larger!