Quick meals for at work

I am on my way to wok shortly and have packed yet another sandwich for my dinner...

I work in a supermarket, and am often on my feet all day, stacking shelves, lifting and power walking around. this is not an average supermarket, i work at one of the discount retailers who make their money by only having 4 or 5 people to run the hole supermarket on a day, therefore meaning we work our butts off just to get through the day!!! I have actually lost over 30lbs by working there, and take it as my exercise for the day.

I tend to work longer shifts 9-12 hours with only two 15 minute breaks throughout the shift. I tend to make a sandwich to take with me for a meal along with some crisps and a small chocolate bar.

It would be nice to eat something different, inexpensive but also filling that i can eat during work. Please bear in mind that 15minutes is not a lot of time for a break and usually only translates to 5-10 minutes of eating. I usually end up eating whatever I can then back out again to work.

Also, i am currently attempting to eat 1300 calories a day in order to lose a bit more weight, but usually end up eating more like 1600. It would be great to find some lower calorie foods that would actually fill me up and don't take ages to make or eat!

Hope someone replies so I have something to read when I get home tonight :)
Thanks x


  • kikicooks
    kikicooks Posts: 1,079 Member
    Make your own egg mcmuffin sandwiches to reheat. Same with oatmeal, grilled chicken, pasta, chili, etc(anything you make for a meal at home make extra for leftovers at work). I also tend to eat things for lunch at work that most people would consider snacks but food is food, like nuts/seeds, cheese sticks, fruit, veggies & hummus, yogurt, roasted chickpeas, larabars, hardboiled eggs.
  • bellaboo07
    bellaboo07 Posts: 22 Member
    what about homemade soup in a thermos?
  • LittleNicci
    LittleNicci Posts: 284 Member
    aldi's has a ton of low cal nummy options called fit and active (if there's one near you that is) i pretty much only shop there, if you have a microwave they have some good frozen options or you could make something at home and freeze it, defrost before work then microwave at work (i make stuff in my crockpot and freeze in portions) or smoothies with protein powder are always a good option.and all the stuff bizzokiki meantioned is fantastic too!
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
  • Larousse77
    You could take tortilla wraps with ham and eggs inside (do a thin omelette, maybe with some veggies in?) wrapped in foil?