Someone give me a kick up the a**



  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    The reason many people fail to weight is because progress isn't a cycle of doing well one day, doing badly the next day, then getting a kick in the *kitten* to start again... That's called a "rut". More than anything, progress takes consistency. Maybe you just need to find a way of being more consistent, some way to make the day-to-day of losing weight more bearable and less of a struggle. If every day is a struggle of trying to say "no" to food, it's going to suck. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, makes "bad" choices sometimes. I hope you find a way to make weight loss work for you so that it's easier.
  • amymichelle1226
    amymichelle1226 Posts: 150 Member
    I had lost 30 pounds before and slowly gained it ALL don't want to be's sooo discouraging! You can do this....plan your meals, have everything ready and that way when the temptation is there, eat what you have planned instead! That way the unhealthy choice doesn't feel like the only choice, and you're satisfied from what you ate. You are strong enough to do this and you'll appreciate your hard work when the pounds start falling back off again :)
  • rukus1
    rukus1 Posts: 112
    Here's your KICK!!!!!!! Now, get back in the game of life!
  • I'm just mentally arguing with myself at the moment. Seeing the scales shoot up 5 lb has put me into that 'well I've blown it anyway' frame of mind.

    After having on of the worst binges of my life, I felt disgusted with myself, and I scoured the Internet for ways to lessen the impact of all that I'd eaten. I felt do discouraged because it seemed like all that I'd worked so hard for would be destroyed and was pointless.

    However, I found a site where people were motivating another dieter who had binged, and a man on there said,

    "Get back on track.  You haven't failed.  Don't demolish what you have built up just because a brick is out of place."

    I personally love that quote, and it made me feel so much better about this journey, because I had forgottent that it is indeed a journey, and what journey was ever a smooth ride?

    You've done great to lose 2st 1lb! That's amazing! There may have been a slight hiccup, but you can get back on track. Don't let it completely derail you.

    Good luck!
  • hkevans724
    hkevans724 Posts: 241 Member
    Last Sunday I got on the scales and saw I'd hit a 2 stone loss. More than, in fact. 2 stone 1 lb.

    So, Monday I was good all day, then rather than make dinner in the evening, I had a binge as a 'reward'. I know, I don't know why I do it either. 5 chocolate yogurts and one sharing bag of doritos later, I was happy.

    Tuesday, again, good all day, then I got home and the other half had a friend over that wanted a take-away. I couldn't say no to KFC.

    I get on the scales Wednesday and I've put on 5 lb! Considering it takes me 2-3 weeks to LOSE 5 lb, I think it's slightly harsh that I've put that on in two evenings.

    Anyway, I get to work today and its someones birthday, and they've bought in goodies. I've had a slice of chocolate cake, a mini carrot cake, 4 mini scotch eggs and a mini scotch pie.

    Help. I'm slipping back into the old me!

    There is an uncanny amount of sodium in take out fried chicken. they soak it in salt water to keep it juicy. drink lots and lots of water to counteract that and it should help.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    And, it probably really wasn't a 5 pound gain except gain in fluid. Bet in a couple of more days it will fall off pretty quick. Doritos & fried chicken, lol, that is couple of things that will certainly aid in holding on to water.

    Thanks all. Kicks welcome.

    ^ Is this true? I've increased my water intake a LOT over the past week. So, loads of water plus fried chicken and doritos = 5 lb gain in two days?

    In order to gain 5 pounds of FAT in 2 days, you would have had to have eaten 17,500 calories MORE than what your body required (3500 calories in one pound of fat). That is not a guess. It is science. 17,500 calories would not have been a few pieces of chicken and a bag of Doritos. That would have been an entire henhouse and a case of bags of Doritos. More like about a 1/2 pound fat gain and 4 1/2 pounds of fluid from all of the sodium in those foods, depending on how much you ate. Up your water intake, cut the sodium, move around a bit and in a day or two, you'll be right back where you want to be. I PROMISE!!!

    This has made me feel a lot better. I think what is so disappointing is that I keep thinking it will take me another 3 weeks to lose that 5lb. Thank you.

    Thanks everyone else for your comments. This is what I love about this site.
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,241 Member
    I keep telling myself that. Do you ever find that when you eat 'naughty' things, you crave them again for ages?

    OMG YESSSSSS!!! I had doughnuts, because I was craving them, after reaching goal. And rather than just holding myself to one, I would buy multiples... And I did it THREE times! And I would eat 2-3 a day. I had to stop myself. Likely a good bit of the weight you put on is water retention form extra sodium as well, but still... I feel your pain. It's frustrating. :angry:
  • STOP IT!!!!

    Have a good day :flowerforyou:
  • skyblu263
    skyblu263 Posts: 91 Member
    I understand you 1000%. But, the fact you even posted this forum and just let it all out shows you haven't given up. Good for you admitting to yourself what happened and ask for help!!! After working on losing weight for years, I'm finally starting to understand a few things:

    1. Moderation is your friend: you crave something, eat it. have a little, eat it slowly, enjoy the flavor, finish up and reflect.
    2. Forgive yourself: so, you ate bad. get up and go workout. guarantee burning 500+ calories, even after eating bad, is better than just letting it sit on you.
    3. Leave the scale alone!: Judge your progress on how your clothes fit and how wonderful you feel.
    4. Weightlifting is your BFF: whether you've ever weightlifted or never have. try it. weightlifting boosts your metabolism and builds muscle, which burns awesome calories, even while just sitting doing absolutely nothing :D
    5. Love yourself to know that you are always worth it!
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    You haven't blown it. 5 pounds in 2 days is more than likely water retention from all that salt and grease. You can do this. Hydrate like mad today, walk around, move, and you'll be back to where you need to be. You can do this!
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I understand you 1000%. But, the fact you even posted this forum and just let it all out shows you haven't given up.

    This is so true, you haven't given up on yourself :)
  • LizL217
    LizL217 Posts: 217 Member
    This has made me feel a lot better. I think what is so disappointing is that I keep thinking it will take me another 3 weeks to lose that 5lb. Thank you.

    Thanks everyone else for your comments. This is what I love about this site.

    LIke others have said, I'm sure a lot of that 5lbs is water retention from the sodium and it should NOT take another 3 weeks to lose it.

    This is why I think people fall into the pattern of Lots of hard work--> Slow results, but in the right direction--> One unhealthy decision--> Temporary bloat & weight gain --> "Ah! I've reversed all my hard work just like that! I give up!" Don't fall into that pattern, you're doing so well.

    You're on a roadtrip and you made one wrong turn. You're not back at your starting point, just had a slight detour. Get the car going in the right direction again, you'll reach your destination in time.
  • jordanreddick
    jordanreddick Posts: 197 Member
    The 5 lbs you gained is water weight from all the sodium you ingested eating fast food and junk. Unless you eat 3500 calories over your daily alotment, you won't gain a pound. On the other hand PUT IT DOWN. Willpower got you where you are and willpower will keep you going. I suggest taking the scale away from yourself because it seems to me that you did quite well until you realized you had lost some weight and then thought you "deserved" a reward which was just an excuse. Here is your kick in the *kitten*! Put it down and get back on track!!!
  • "Don't let a BAD day turn into a BAD week"... Slow down and start over... One day at a time.. :):happy:
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    omg stop it
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Do you actually want a new body and a blazing life full of strength and will power and when someone says behind your back that nothing can stop you once you put your mind to it, you puff up your chest cause you know that they are right?

    or do you want cheetohs
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Do you actually want a new body and a blazing life full of strength and will power and when someone says behind your back that nothing can stop you once you put your mind to it, you puff up your chest cause you know that they are right?

    or do you want cheetohs

    If only life was that black and white.
  • i always get in this frame of mind, ill eat a lot of something bad and then i read forums where everyone says start all over again immediately & it doesnt have to affect today just get back on the right track now but thats so so hard to do and you just think 'ive blown it now may as well carry on'. but ive learnt that all these people are right, learnt the hard way and ill probably do it a few more times but that doesnt mean I wont carry on. They say we learn best from our mistakes so get back on track and focus, as people are saying it is probably mostly water weight, but use it as motivation anyway! you can do it (:!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    it is.

    you said kick your *kitten*.

    I am doing that.

    it IS that black and white.

    Either you want it enough.
    or you want something else more.

    YOU chose to reward good behavior with food....

    WHY you decided that good behavior deserved an activity that would cause you to punish yourself with guilt because you binged on crap food is the problem here.

    Your progress is met with self sabotage so you can put guilt on yourself. As though you think you dont deserve to make progress.

    Well you do. The fact that you are a human being, the dominant species on this planet, gives you the RIGHT to be awesome. just being born gives you the right to it.

    So do you want your birthright body... or do you want to punish yourself for trying to get healthy because being upset about failing is familiar and comfortable to hide in?

    There is the *kitten* kicking you asked for.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    if you drop your phone, do you pick it up and put it in your pocket or do you jump up and down on it and smash it to pieces cause you already dropped it, might as well finish it for good?

    if you binge for no good reason on unhealthy foods, do you stop and go back to eating right and exercising the rest of the day or do you jump up and down on your day and smash it to pieces cause its no good anymore.