how could u change that much?!?

1981simm Posts: 123 Member
I have a friend that has been losing weight for a year now and all she talks about is herself. She stopped sharing pics of her kids and started sharing pics of her face/cleavage... her husband is a large guy and has loved her even when she was huge but now that she has lost all this weight she stopped going to church where she was the nursery teacher started going to the bar to do kareoke and left her husband for another man... leaving her two children one of which who is not his with him. My hubby is concerned that because this happened in their relationship that I will leave him because he's overweight and has ms. I wouldn't ever think of doing this but my question is how can weight loss change someones personality soooo much?!?


  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    People don't just do such a radical change like that. There was always some part of her personality that wanted a life like that and maybe she felt she was too heavy to do so.

    Too bad for her family that she's an *kitten*.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    She's never been this confident before, probably. But like corn63 said, people don't just do that from weight loss. She was like that before, too. She just didn't show it.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    There very likely is more to the story and you may not know it all.

    Or she's just a horrible person, always was and just didn't have the confidence to behave this way before.
  • dreamingchild
    dreamingchild Posts: 208 Member
    I think major weight loss changes more than just your body...people look at you differently and maybe that is part of what is going on with her. Hopefully, the "fun" will wear off and she will realize what she has done and get some help.
  • waster196
    waster196 Posts: 138 Member
    this is a toughy. i lost around 100lbs last year and it really can change you a lot as a person. truth be told i completely lost track of who i was or what i wanted. i left my girlfriend of 5 years and slipped back into a morbid depression. i didn't leave her because i thought there was something better out there for me or because i was getting attention from other women - i left her because i thought losing this weight would solve my problems, and it didn't. i lost the weight and was still unhappy and it just made me realise the problems lay elsewhere.

    this journey can do funny things to us and can be an eye-opener in ways you'd never imagine.
  • 1981simm
    1981simm Posts: 123 Member
    I guess it's weird to see her hubby in the store with the kids and the next day see her in the store with another man and his kids... maybe my perspective of their happy family was way wrong