Hi folks,
I'm new to this but think that it's a great idea and I'm hoping that it's gonna bear some results for my weightloss. I'm 26, 5foot 5" and 154lbs and I'm trying to get down to around 120lbs or there abouts. I have been trying the various diets out there but find some are very restricting or others just don't make any sense health wise.

I have so far lost about 6lbs since January but that has taken so long and its been up and down and I just cannot seem to get below the 11stone mark and the one time i did do it, I had it on again the following week. I walk briskly every day for about 5 miles and it makes no difference to my weight and I'm getting disheartened. I really want to lose this weight but I suppose after working all day its difficult to motivate yourself to get the gear on and go exercise.

I would really appreciate any tips you have or any advice.



  • Hiya, exercise alone wont make any difference (in my opinion anyway). I believe its an 80:20 between food and exercise. Just keep to your calorie allowance every day and eat a good varied diet, that way you wont get bored of eating healthily. I've lost 5 pounds in 3 weeks - If I can do it - you can too :)
  • readsalot68
    readsalot68 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi Ronnie,
    I'm pretty new to this myself. May I ask what is your daily calorie intake like? It's possible you not eating enough or eating too much. Are you following the MFP daily calorie plan?
  • Hi Readsalot68,

    my calorie intake is usually in or around 1200-1300 a day although there are days when I say sod it and probably undo my exercising and other days I'm below the 1200. From looking throught the forum here and seeing how much people have actually lost, it's inspiring!
  • Wow heidi 878, well done on your great weight loss in 3 weeks... I would love to expect results like that. I guess I'm bit confused as to how this works---do we follow our calorie allowance per day and input our exercise etc and then expect a weight loss (or hope in my case :) )?
  • phynyxfyre
    phynyxfyre Posts: 145 Member
    It can be a slow process and there are times your weight loss will stall and you will get discouraged. If you are already working long days, it can be hard to fit exercise in. However, it is so worth it. The health benefits alone are reason enough, not to mention the energy and how great you'll look.

    I can't see your food diary, but if you are eating between 1200 and 1300 consistently, I would guess it isn't so much a how many calories issue but rather a what type of calories you are putting in. Example: handful of skittles versus fruit salad. Very different nutritionally. It can also be a water issue. If you don't have the 8 cups a day minimum, your body will retain water and you won't see as much difference on the scale.

    If you are already eating well and drinking lots of water, and it still isn't moving on the scale, then consider that your body may have adjusted to the brisk walking and change it up a little by either jogging for part of it, adding handweights, or choosing a different route with more hills/ sand/ etc.

    These are the most common problems out there, and since I don't know you, I hope one of them helps. :) Good luck on your weight loss journey!
  • It can be a slow process and there are times your weight loss will stall and you will get discouraged. If you are already working long days, it can be hard to fit exercise in. However, it is so worth it. The health benefits alone are reason enough, not to mention the energy and how great you'll look.

    I can't see your food diary, but if you are eating between 1200 and 1300 consistently, I would guess it isn't so much a how many calories issue but rather a what type of calories you are putting in. Example: handful of skittles versus fruit salad. Very different nutritionally. It can also be a water issue. If you don't have the 8 cups a day minimum, your body will retain water and you won't see as much difference on the scale.

    If you are already eating well and drinking lots of water, and it still isn't moving on the scale, then consider that your body may have adjusted to the brisk walking and change it up a little by either jogging for part of it, adding handweights, or choosing a different route with more hills/ sand/ etc.

    These are the most common problems out there, and since I don't know you, I hope one of them helps. :) Good luck on your weight loss journey!

    Well I've only been on this a short time but my diet is fairly similar. i am not making big dinners this week as I'm busy at work and when I get home in evenings I throw on the runners and head for the walk, then have whatever I have had for dinner. Normally dinners would be spag ball, lasange, poached eggs on toast etc.

    You can view this weeks food diary here I think : http://www.myfitnesspal.com/food/diary/ronnie21patton

    Is your weightloss since you joined in April? Amazing, well done !!