Anyone have a Fit Bit?



  • talaysia3
    talaysia3 Posts: 84 Member
    I have one and love it. It really motivates you to get moving. I love the weekly reports that it sends once a week. Since it syncs with MFP, there's really nothing extra that you have to do but just wear it and get moving.
  • trackercasey76
    trackercasey76 Posts: 781 Member
    Just got mine...Do I log the exercise on MFP or just let the FB do it
  • rocket_ace
    rocket_ace Posts: 380 Member
    love mine - always on, but haven't kept up w/ the sleep tracking part. I also linked it w/ MyFitnessPal, so I don't log in any other calories burned, only allow fitbit, and while fitbit seems pretty accurate as per steps, floors and distance for me, the number it always adds to MFP seems too huge. Like yesterday I walked 15000 steps (about 7 miles, 15 floors) and the MFP Fitbit calorie compensation number was about 750. Seems high....but then maybe I just under-compensate in my head. I also use Loseit and don't have fitbit linked there, and I only add the exercise I do (so 3 walks of 2 miles each) and that's only 350 or so calories burned. Either I'm way more active during the day or something aint right?

    Additionally, I end up not eating back all the calories from MFP just in case. I dunno - so far I'm doing pretty steady gradual weight loss, and am using the fitbit more as a tracker in reference to my own fitibit progress rather than an empirical tool I can use to eat back burned calories....

  • The fitbit tracks your resting calories burned, as well as your active. So, you burn 5 calories a minute just by breathing. It also takes that into account when calculating your calories, though, so it evens out. It's actually kind of cool to see the total calories burned a day, not just from exercise. :)
  • littlekat1
    littlekat1 Posts: 53 Member
    Love it!

    I am on fitbit #3. Had a few issues with it not syncing, not keeping a good charge, and the base station not working. The company was really good about replacing them.

    I wear mine all the time! Highly recommend it.
  • I just received my fitbit a couple of days ago, and love it! My only question is why it starts the day with 415 calories already burned? I put it on the charger the last two nights, and when I go to put it on in the morning it already lists 415 calories burned. Any idea why?
    The fitbit tracks your resting calories burned, as well as your active. So, you burn 5 calories a minute just by breathing. It also takes that into account when calculating your calories, though, so it evens out. It's actually kind of cool to see the total calories burned a day, not just from exercise. :)
  • sagmom
    sagmom Posts: 3
    So, it just assumes by my daily activity that I will burn that amount during the night while I sleep?
  • sagmom
    sagmom Posts: 3
    I agree, it's cool! Thanks for the info!
  • Nysie5
    Nysie5 Posts: 215 Member
    love mine - always on, but haven't kept up w/ the sleep tracking part. I also linked it w/ MyFitnessPal, so I don't log in any other calories burned, only allow fitbit, and while fitbit seems pretty accurate as per steps, floors and distance for me, the number it always adds to MFP seems too huge. Like yesterday I walked 15000 steps (about 7 miles, 15 floors) and the MFP Fitbit calorie compensation number was about 750. Seems high....but then maybe I just under-compensate in my head. I also use Loseit and don't have fitbit linked there, and I only add the exercise I do (so 3 walks of 2 miles each) and that's only 350 or so calories burned. Either I'm way more active during the day or something aint right?

    Additionally, I end up not eating back all the calories from MFP just in case. I dunno - so far I'm doing pretty steady gradual weight loss, and am using the fitbit more as a tracker in reference to my own fitibit progress rather than an empirical tool I can use to eat back burned calories....


    this is what im worried about, it counting more cals bruned than i acutally did, and me eating back extra cals, =/
  • So, it just assumes by my daily activity that I will burn that amount during the night while I sleep?
    The amount it reports at night should be the 5 calories a minute (or whatever your resting rate is) added up til midnight. I like that it estimates the total calories burned so I can accurately count what I should eat for the whole day (assuming I'm not active the rest of the evening). It makes it easier to achieve my goals on the fitbit.
  • somerman
    somerman Posts: 17 Member
    I've been using one for two months. It is a great motivation tool.
  • trackercasey76
    trackercasey76 Posts: 781 Member
    I guess I must just be dumb because this thing confuses the crap out of me. "log this" & "don't log that" "do it on MFP" then "Do it on FB site" I am getting real close to making someone a great deal and I have only owned it for about 36 hours.
  • bcw660816
    bcw660816 Posts: 326 Member
    I don't like it, I LOVE it. I've had min almost 4 months now and it has really motivated me to walk. I will walk in place before getting into bed if I need some extra steps to reach my 10,000 step goal. I love to track my walks or shopping trips just to see how many steps I make. As a person who loves numbers and spreadsheets I signed up for the premium option and have to check my stats every day. I definitely do not regret this purchase.
  • mdj1501
    mdj1501 Posts: 388 Member
    My fitbit is one of the best purchases I have made in my journey so far. It seems a bit pricey, but I never take it off, and it really helps me get an accurate calorie count each day. :smile:

    Exactly this!! I panic more if I forgot to put my fitbit on than I do if I cant find my cell phone!!:bigsmile:
  • mdj1501
    mdj1501 Posts: 388 Member
    I guess I must just be dumb because this thing confuses the crap out of me. "log this" & "don't log that" "do it on MFP" then "Do it on FB site" I am getting real close to making someone a great deal and I have only owned it for about 36 hours.

    For myself... I log everything on MFP and nothing on fit bit site.
  • trackercasey76
    trackercasey76 Posts: 781 Member
    What is "Everything" I thought the Fitbit tracked my exercise but If have to manually track and log it using My HRM numbers what am I gaining with this?
  • Christylee76
    Christylee76 Posts: 138 Member
    Thanks everyone for the input!! I think I am sold!! About to order one:)
  • I want one really bad, especially now after reading these reviews :)
  • buildingdreams
    buildingdreams Posts: 173 Member
    I just received mine as a christmaqs gift. Love it. I am a bit confused about logging workouts. I thought you just keep it on all day and night, yet after reading reviews they talk about remembering to start and stop your workouts. Any insight would be appreciated!
  • chrome_princess
    chrome_princess Posts: 129 Member
    You only have to start and stop it for sleep. :)

    I have one, though, I haven't been wearing it for the past week ... and my weight gain over the past week has reflected it. Sigh.

    Back to wearing it tomorrow.