Hey Y'all! :) ... help plz

Snickers93 Posts: 6
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
hey yall. i need some help. im young n im 5'10. i weigh 173.3. can anyone help me lose weight fast? yes im lazy but i do workout atleast 20 min a day cuz i got a dance class. im chunky in the tummy area n ya. i rly wuld lik to weigh 140 n get abs. dat is my goal. i want to have a rockin body by april...can i do that by then? plz help me. im a teen lookin for help. being over weight is ruinin my life. i cnt fit in well with my friends...thier like twigs skinny but in a heathy way. i wuld love to b able to wear a bikini for the first time in my life. n i no i need a change cuz im getting back pains wen i lie dwn n its not very comfy. so plz help. if u cnt dats okk thnx anyway. but plz try to keep evrythng natural. i wuld lik to tak diet pills but i dnt want to. n i have been drinkin this Max Muscle strawberry drink dat gives u energy from ur fat or sumthng bur ya it didnt help. plz help me. thnx
Plz Help

plz comment n help

God Bless


  • The biggest thing is to count those calories and make sure to eat ATLEAST 1,200 per day. It may seem weird but eating does help you lose weight. It keeps your body healthy and your metabolism going which are major keys to losing those pounds. I also reccomend Jillian Michaels 30 day shred workout dvd. It's only 20/mins and KICKS YOUR BUTT and will help every muscle in your body tone and become bathing suit worthy! I've been doing her workouts for a few days now so my body is still getting used to it, lol. I got mine at WalMart for $9. Also, make sure to take a multivitamin, avoid too much coffee, and drink a lot of water. To help you lose weight with water you're sopose to drink as many ounces as you weigh. So lets say someone weighs 130 pounds, they would drink 130 ounces of water per day. There are 8oz of water per cup so that would be 16 1/4 cups of water per day! Hope this helps you....and good luck : ]
  • meganwojo
    meganwojo Posts: 221 Member
    Hi honey,

    I know where you are. I have never gone to the beach strutting around in a 2 piece. My trouble area is my stomach too. I just had a baby, so now i have stretch marks which makes me feel worse. Realistically, you can lose about 30 lbs by June, which is my goal, so you can easily lose about 20 lbs by April. Dont set unrealistic goals, your just going to feel horrible if you dont reach the 30 lbs by April. Set a shorter goal like you want to lose 10 lbs by end of Feburary and just focus on that portion for the time being. It just takes willpower. I actually am on a doctor prescibed medicine called Phentermine. Do not take over the counter diet pills, I tried hydroxycut before i was pregnant and then come to find out girls were dying from it. I also took trim spa, big waste of money. I have lost 3 lbs in a little over a week. I walk 3.5 mph on treadmill for 30 minutes a day and do Jillian Michaels shred in 30 days dvd and weights everyday. The whole workout takes about 1:30 mins but I feel great afterwards. You may have a busy schedule with work and family, but exercise is key! I have my 9 month old son, and I was so exhausted, then I realized, I am not going to get the beach body without putting effort into it. What types of workouts do you do? If you want, I can help you set up a workout routine that I do, which clearly works for losing 3 lbs in 9 days! Let me know and good luck!
  • meganwojo
    meganwojo Posts: 221 Member
    haha see the other girl does the same Jillian Michaels DVD..shes a beast in her workouts but it pays off :)
  • first id lik to say thank you for ur help. it does help n dats alot of water i need to drink n dats my other problem...i barly evn drink i cup a day. its not that i dnt lik water its just idk. doesnt fancy me u no? n thats horribl sayin :( n i no im dehydrated but idk i cnt seem to drink the water i need to evryday

    God Bless
  • I litterally FORCE myself to drink the water, lol. And I got a BIG water container so i'm not drinking one cup after the other. You can even use a gallon jug. I try to drink most my water in the am and sometimes end up drinking more than my 17 cups of water per day.
  • HAHAHA....BEAST is an understatement, LMBO! Her workouts are awsome though!!!
  • lol the thng is though i will drink water but then i gota pee lik crazy. my body dusnt observ it. n idk y
  • calah
    calah Posts: 1
    Well, that's what you have to do. Try one day....one day when you are home a lot. Drink water CONSTANTLY throughout the day. Drink as much water as you can. I bet you will be surprised at how hungry you are not. It's a good start, and one day isn't going to kill you. You'll also be surprised at how easy it is to drink after a few "force"drinkings. :)
  • meganwojo
    meganwojo Posts: 221 Member
    Try crystal light! its only 5 calories per glass and my nutritionist said if you cant drink plain water all day, any non carbonated drink is fine. So I drink crystal light during the day and about 3 glasses during workouts. anndddd PEEING is good! not to sound gross, when you pee, if it is DARK yellow that means you are VERY dehydrated. You want your pee to almost look clear which means you are getting enough fluids! haha SO peeing is WONDERFUL, its cleansing your system!! so make sure u drink drink drink!!!! plus, going to the bathroom 10 times every hour,just gives you the excuse to check your hott self out more often haha!!
  • meganwojo
    meganwojo Posts: 221 Member
    Do you watch her on Biggest Loser? She scares me haha. I love in her video she tells you shes not gonna give us a water break and that its non stop, i tell her to shut up and i have a sip anyways haha
  • Do you watch her on Biggest Loser? She scares me haha. I love in her video she tells you shes not gonna give us a water break and that its non stop, i tell her to shut up and i have a sip anyways haha

    I LOVE biggest loser! And though she's a great trainer i'm kinda glad I don't have her in real life becuase though i'd get to where I want to be quicker, I am sure I would die in the process, lol! And I know, i'll actually pause it and drink some water or splash my face with water in the sink!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    ok, IMHO, you are going about this all wrong, seriously, first of all, 30 lbs by April for someone with only (maybe, I question this anyway) 30 lbs to lose is crazy talk. I don't mean that as an insult I mean it as a means to shock you a little. That's about 2.5 lbs per week which is the amount of weight you would expect to lose if you were say, 150 lbs overweight, not 30.

    Besides, 5'10" tall and 140 lbs is REALLY small, you would have a very very small volume of lean muscle mass if this were your weight. I would rethink that.

    First thing I feel like you should do is read up a lot on HEALTHY weight loss, forget pills, forget nutrient restrictive diets, forget trying to lose weight in 1 or 2 or 3 months, these things are all band-aids and do not solve the underlying issues.

    I know teenagers don't want to hear it, but the most important thing you need to lose the weight is the knowledge on how to do it, and the patience to know that you can't lose weight too fast or your just doing damage to your body.

    If you're serious about this, and not just looking for a quick fix, then feel free to email me, I'll help you get started the right way, but if you're just looking to "drop 30 by April" then that's it, I'm out, that's the wrong attitude for this site IMHO.

    This site is, after all, called My Fitness Pal, not My Crash Diet.
  • Megan
    I think your beautiful and your very inspiring....I also do the 30 day shred in the mornings and try to ge to the gym in the evening.....my theory is .......if you can't be happy and positive about yourself what example are you setting for our children! So, spending a little time on me allows for more quality time for my husband and kids......

    :drinker: to all the water we can drink.......lol
  • meganwojo
    meganwojo Posts: 221 Member
    haha you said it all HappyDaze! :)
  • okk. look i understand wat da website is for. n i said is it possible to lose 35 pnds buy april. u dnt needa b rude n say dat im guna ruin my body or sumthng. it was just a question.
    another thing is i hav a problem with stress. skool is stressful for me n although i love to b doin alot at once n being stressd out, my body gains weight. im da total opposite from lik evryone i kne. if i stress i gain but they stress they lose weight n doctors tell me i shuld b 130-145 pounds. unless thier rong n i wul luv to b 140 its my goal. i know for a fact im 20 pnds ovrweight. n im just a teen who has been chubby n ben teased since 3rd grade cuz of her weight. its DEPRESIN so its time for a change!
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