what did you eat like before MFP?



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    exactly the same as I eat now but with slightly less protein.
  • CHN_
    CHN_ Posts: 94 Member
    I usually ate fairly healthy during the day. I had a few things, like garlic bread, that I would have in the evenings after a late shift. And then there was the candy. I used to eat candy every single day. So even when I worked out several times a week, and ate a diet which alone was probably less than 1000 calories, I always added like 1500 on at the end of the day with stupid stuff.

    I have managed to stop with the candy every single night, and limit to once a week (or twice some weeks), and actually eat more regular food to get enough calories. Normal food I was never good at eating enough of, so now that I don't eat all the other stuff, I have to make sure I eat enough.
  • CarleyLovesPets
    CarleyLovesPets Posts: 410 Member
    Sugary drinks (1 - 3 bottles a day) and chocolate bars.
    Plus I'd make stuff like... Poutine for lunch (aka heart attack on a plate).
    For dinner there wasn't always veggies, and I ate a lot of french fries.
    OH and a big piece of french bread at most dinners with margarine of course.
  • wrinju
    wrinju Posts: 93 Member
    :blushing: I'm embarassed to say.... but here you go.

    I was a car eater. If you didn't see me eat then it didn't exist, right?

    Way to work I would stop at Hardees or Mcdonalds and get two breakfast sammies and a large dr. pepper

    At work I didn't always eat lunch but if I did it would Wendys and I'd get two jr bacon cheeseburgers and ff and large dr. pepper or Jimmy Johns

    then on my way home from work I'd stop at McDonalds and get a small fry and double cheeseburger and then go home and eat dinner.

    I realized I was eating 2000 calories before I made it home each day!!!!!! OUT of control!

    But, this site and taught me a lot and I LOVE IT!

    I might have only lost 10lbs so far, but I feel better. It's my 11th day of really tracking and logging and working at it, but I don't feel like a slug. I have better foods fueling my body!
  • Goal_Driven
    Goal_Driven Posts: 371 Member
    Definitely had a sticker shoker! lol! When I started paying attention to SERVING size and the AMOUNT of calories and other nutrients in each serving size (which was about 2 serving sizes less than what I was eating!) I couldn't belive it! I'm glad that now I can't even stomach that much food!! THANK YOU MFP!

    I guess my typical day looked like...

    Breakfast.. usually nothing, I would sleep til 12 or 1! (I had a different job at this time, now I wake up at 7am and eat a good, healthy breakfast)

    Lunch.. usually McDonald's. Either a McChicken or McDouble with a medium Fry and a Large Sweet Tea or Dr. Pepper

    Dinner.. 2 servings more than normal of whatever I ate..

    Snacks.. Just sitting and snacking on a bag of resses peanut butter cup minis.

  • Melodeon_legs
    Melodeon_legs Posts: 6 Member

    Afterwards I'd wash down a whole tin of pringles with 2 litres of fizzy drink, usually club lemon.

    That club lemon...it's a proper ba$tard all right, and don't get me started on the rock shandy!

    (Nice to hear a whine with a food brand that I recognise, ha ha!)
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Before MFP I was eating ok because I was on Weight Watchers for a year or so but before THAT - well, it was rediculous. I'd have a muffin or bagel with cream cheese or donuts for breakfast. Lunch would be a huge deli sandwich with chips. Dinner choices weren't much different then they are now but the portions were off the charts. But really what did me in was the snacks and drinking. I'd eat cookies and candy throughout the day and a lot of times stop somewhere on my drive home for some additional treat (snack cakes or ice cream). And Hubs and I used to drink a lot of coffee brandy and milk - which was about 500 calories considering the size of the glasses we used.
  • jeddy3mcc
    jeddy3mcc Posts: 177 Member
    Pasta Pasta Pasta Pasta and Mexican food. Krispy Kreme Donuts!!!!!! Klondike Bars!!!!! Then I would have something similar for lunch and dinner. NO EXERCISE....smh!!! If i could go back in this i would slap the sugar honey ice tea out of him!!! REAL TALK!!!
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    I ate similar foods to what I am eating now but just too big a portion, I was having about double the amount of cereal in the morning and a huge glass of fruit juice. For lunch is generally have a sandwich and maybe a packet of crisps then s chocolate bar mid afternoon. Meat, potato and veg type dinner but again just too much of it and usually covered in cheese if I could!

    I eat less bread and cheese, hardly any chocolate and more fruit and veg now BUT I'm still having food I love like pizza, curry, burritos etc just smaller amounts and the healthier options. I do miss eating massive amounts of mature cheddar though!!
  • Themuseinme
    Themuseinme Posts: 224 Member
    I ate out more often mostly subway and dominos about 1 x a week each now....zippo outto
    Ate more of everything lots of cheese,bread potatoes &ice cream. now only mozz. sticks and healthy choice yogurt 100 cal cup.
    Ate double portions of everything !!!!!!

    Till i lose 20 lbs and trust my control of portions Im doing lots of frozen prepared meals.
  • gimpygramma
    gimpygramma Posts: 383 Member
    Good healthy meals, moderate portions.
    Only trouble is I tended to have "a meal" every two hours.
    My feeding schedule resembled that of a newborn.
    7:00 A.M. High fibre cereal, berries and skim milk.
    9:00 A.M. Poached egg and one slice of toast
    10:30 A.M. crackers and cheese
    12:00 Soup and crackers, half a sandwich, grapes.....

    You get the picture. I recommend this eating pattern if you want to gain weight at the rate that a newborn does.:wink:
  • mheath1293
    mheath1293 Posts: 35 Member
    I really didn't keep track of what I was eating, which became a big problem. I could order whatever from restaurants without thinking "hey... this meal probably has the amount of calories I should be eating in an entire day"..
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    Since I had already lost weight, I ate pretty much the same. This just helps me make sure I'm staying within my caloric range. The only big difference was the reduction of fruit.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Oh, I thought I was not eating very much. Here was my first day logging here:

    McDonald's Egg McMuffin 300
    Large Mocha Latte 400

    Nissin Cup o Noodles 300

    Doritos 150
    M&Ms 250

    Dinner (this dinner is lighter than the typical, usually hamburgers or something else higher cal than tilapia)
    Tilapia 200
    Green Beans (canned) 80
    Uncle Ben broccoli au gratin rice 300

    Total: 1980
    Sodium: 3695 (!!!!!)

    Lunch..... if it wasn't vending machine like this day, then it was fast food. Higher cal and high sodium.
  • RiversideBabe
    RiversideBabe Posts: 75 Member
    Before MFP I had NO CLUE how many calories I was consuming a day. The first week I tried MFP and stayed in my calorie range, I lost 5 lbs right away. I would read about healthy eating all the time and incorporated some of those foods into my daily diet, but it was all of the other junk that was causing me to gain weight, plus lack of activity and stress. MFP helps me see exactly what I am putting into my body and it helps me think twice about what I eat now.
  • BrazenHarpy
    BrazenHarpy Posts: 81 Member
    Typical day for me:

    Breakfast: sandwich with egg, cheddar cheese, and English muffin (about 300 cals)
    Snack: Cheez-its (130 cals)
    Lunch: leftovers, or a sandwich and chips (500-800 cals)
    Snack: Cheese and crackers (I don't even know...probably 500 calories realistically)
    Dinner: Anything goes (anywhere from 500 to 1500 calories, including the several glasses of wine I would drink with dinner)

    Total: anywhere from 2000 to 3000 calories. Yeesh.
  • Nysie5
    Nysie5 Posts: 215 Member
    was a fast food addict
  • hottamolly00
    hottamolly00 Posts: 334 Member
    I would eat a fast food burger combo with bbq AND ranch on the burger and dip my fries in ranch, too. I'd also eat 2 breakfast tacos for breakfast and then fast food chicken strips or a frozen pizza for lunch. Once or twice a month, I'd also down an entire box of Swiss Cake Rolls. Yeah.. I've learned a lot since I've been here and now am more focused on healthy foods rather than low-cal per se.
    just wondered what everyone's typical day was like eating wise before they started tracking on here? did you notice huge differences when you started tracking or have "sticker shock" at the amount of calories you were eating before? share if you don't mind...
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Breakfast pizza and or a donut/s for breakfast...IF I ATE Breakfast.

    Fast food always... Burger King, McDonald, OR something healthy like a Pub food with some work buddies Plate full of fries and a Fried tenderloin or Fish and Chips and the English pub...

    Home from work snack? Handful of cookies and or half a bag of chips

    Something horrible...Pizza if we were hard up for time. 3 Larges would cover the whole family of 5

    Otherwise some frozen meals or frozen something with some Mac and Cheese I cant even remember
  • Love_2_Shop
    Love_2_Shop Posts: 15 Member
    Too much crap - fast foods, convenience foods like frozen pizza etc... Most days I'd feel too tired to cook dinner unless it was something super easy like pasta and a jar of ragu or a Stouffers lasagna so we'd do take-out. Late night munching on big bags of popcorn and a few glasses of wine. I wasn't eating tons, but it was mostly junk calories.