curbing cravings

I am new to this, even though I have dieted, and tried eating healthier before,... I just gave in to my cravings way too much. S i was wondering....

What are some of the things you do to curb your cravings?
What things do you think work best?


  • pamh5555
    pamh5555 Posts: 191 Member
    my best thing for cravings is that i made the weight watchers zero point soup. I of course modified for the veggies that I like. I have a cup of that everytime i am hit with the cravings. This way i have something to eat and it really helps with keeping calories down. But if I still have that nasty craving, i of course try water. but I can also just grab a piece of sugar free gum. I keep a couple packs of all different flavors so that I can choose. If that does not work, try the 100 calorie packs of snacks. I love the oreo ones.
  • allyson2212
    Some of the things that are really helping me right now is

    1. chewing gum, that will usually fix the problem immediately!
    2. exercise. If I find myself "hungry", but I know that I shouldnt be, then I exercise and back on track
    3. drinking enough water in the day, and I also have sweetened green tea which helps
    and 4. If the craving just does NOT go away, then I splurge, but in moderation.

    Hope that helps!!
  • meganwojo
    meganwojo Posts: 221 Member
    Hi there! I curb my cravings a very smart, easy way. Say im craving cookies, I take one cookie out of the husbands stash haha and fill a glass of skim milk, nibble on the coookie for like 10 mins while drinking the full glass of milk. It will fill you and your craving will be satisfied. Same thing with chips etc, take 2 or 3 out of bag and drink a glass of crystal light or water then nibble on the chips. You will get full, yet have the taste your craving!

    Just have enough willpower to have only ONE cookie. Its alot easier taking a cookie out of the box and putting the box away instead of taking the box of cookies with you and saying your only going to eat one, before you know it half the box will be gone! haha!! Dont ban yourself from unhealthy food everyday the rest of your life, just have one mini candy bar or 2 hard candies etc to fulfill those cravings!!!

    Hope this helps hun!!
  • robdawg
    robdawg Posts: 6 Member
    I agree with the post about chewing gum. The mintier, the better. For some reason this works very well for me. Always have some healthy snacks with you too. I find that if I go a couple hours without eating, I get more cravings. I pack almonds, fruit, string cheese, etc. for the day and eat something every 2 hours. When it comes to meal time, I eat much less because I just ate something two hours before.