Does anyone else sweat a TON?



  • jennajocummings
    I sweat like a crazy lady. I LOVE to sweat! I feel like it's getting rid of all the impurities in my body. I have been asked a few times if I dumped a bottle of water over my head after spinning.
  • coffeebrown5
    coffeebrown5 Posts: 73 Member
    At the drop of a dime I sweat like when I'm nervous, after a workout,or cleaning. The other nite at football practice I thought to myself that it's nice out and oh lawd there I was sweating all behind my ears running down my neck I was so embrassed. This only started a couple of years ago. But the fun thing is when I workout my butt is the first thing that sweat so I be sure to wear cotton undies when I workout.
  • Shadowsan
    Shadowsan Posts: 365 Member
    It's actually better to sweat plenty, than not be sweating at all.

    Perspiration is the biproduct of aerobic exercise - which everyone knows is when your mitochondria inside your muscles (amongst other things) break down fat. This generates body heat - which the body recognises and perspirates to help control your body temperature.

    If you're not sweating, you're either somewhere extremely cold, dehydrated (which is dangerous!), or just plain not working hard enough.

    Some people perspirate a LOT more than others. This is generally caused by your body not being accustomed to being hot. You _can_ actually improve this by taking sauna sessions, which will kinda condition your body to work better in heat.

    What you should do however if you're concerned you sweat a lot... Weigh yourself before and after training with no clothes on. The difference in after training is generally how much water your body has lost (1g=1ml) So take that back onboard afterwards to avoid dehydration.
  • LinaBo
    LinaBo Posts: 342 Member
    Oh yes... HELL yes! I sweat from places I didn't even know I could sweat from. I have to towel off my face, my chest, neck, shoulders, and hands between every set. I sweat so dang much that I could save a small African village from drought.

    I think it's all weight related. I'm carrying about 120 lbs of extra weight, so it's like lifting and doing cardio in a sumo suit. Anyone would sweat under those circumstances. I'm not really self conscious about it, it just starts to get annoying when I'm not done with my workout and I'm just dying to crawl out of my disgusting, soaked clothes, already. I remember the first time I lost the weight (70 lbs that time, and got down to 168 lbs), my sweating got lighter and lighter. Unless you have any other underlying medical issues that cause you to sweat. I'm sure that as you lose weight it will lighten up.
  • squigglypuff
    squigglypuff Posts: 279 Member
    i sweat less now than the amount i did 30lbs ago. still a lot, don't get me wrong ... but not as bad. and less thigh chaffing!
  • springbreakmission
    springbreakmission Posts: 83 Member
    I sweat a lot even if I don't workout- I have yet to find a deodorant that helps me... :indifferent:

    Same here. And I always think I reek of B.O., but my husband can never smell it. So thankfully, I only gross myself out. (I think it's hormonal, I noticed it during my pregnancy with my son.) But yeah, I'm a sweater, especially my face. I'm very careful about wearing light colored shirts, because they always end up with pit stains, which is a bummer. Of course, dark colored shirts just show the big, wet, sweat spots, so there's no winning.

    I feel your pain....i love clothes but am stuck wearing black 95% of the time b/c i sweat like crazy for absolutely no reason. If i could i would have gotten the botox thing years ago. To only sweat during exercise or because of hot weather like a normal person would be a dream come true.
  • ccburn5
    ccburn5 Posts: 473 Member
    Oh lord yes!! There are times that its like a cup of water was dumped on my head and it literally splashes as it hits the ground! When I leave boot camp in the morning my shirt is completely soaked, front and back. You are NOT alone!
  • janet0513
    janet0513 Posts: 564 Member
    TONS!!!! I always bring a towel with me to the gym. I even bring a change of clothes to go for a walk at lunch. Unfortunately for me, it doesn't matter how fit or thin I am. I just sweat a ton especially from my head. Luckily I don't have smelly sweat ....or so I have been told lol
  • OnionMomma
    OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
    I sweat enough to drip and wet parts of my shirt when I'm working out hard.

    My husband on the other hand, he looks like we poured water on his head and down his body. His shirt will pretty much not have a single DRY spot on it. He just sweats ALOT.

    Our son (who is almost 6) is the same exact way. He's been wearing deodorant for over a year and when he is outside running around (summertime and wintertime) like a maniac having a good time on the play grounds, he will pretty much be dripping. Summer WAY WAY WAY worse then winter. His face gets red and blotchy. I snapped some photos and showed the Pediatrician.

    She said, sweat is a good thing, when he stops, then WORRY and call 911!!! LOL

    I literally have to WARN people what he will look like because they freak out when they see it. He was born with a CHD and his heart was repaired at 6 months old, so yep, people freak out if they know his complex medical history.
  • Vonwarr
    Vonwarr Posts: 390 Member
    I've noticed that as I lose weight, I don't sweat as easily when I'm not working out (I sweat less walking around, etc.) I'm guessing less fat means my average body temperature is regulated lower.

    When I am working out though, I get pretty disgusting pretty fast. 30 mins cardio leaves me looking like I just took a shower in workout clothes. Even my hair is drenched.
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    I too sweat loads it means I am working hard. My kids refuse to hug me when I come back from a run and say eugh. My father in law was a bit disgusted I think when my ponytail was dripping sweat after a run I just threatened to drip on his coffee ( he really loves me).
  • TravisBurns
    TravisBurns Posts: 353 Member
    If there was a competition for sweating. I'd for sure win it. By the time I get up off the bench after my first lift there is a huge sweat spot from my head. and depending on the length of the workout either half of my shirt or all of it will be drenched.
  • sugerfree2
    OMG! I sweat like a pig! :grumble: I was a tanch bit concerned by this but my trainer said not to worry too much about's just my body regulating its temp.

    I just like to think of it as my fat crying! :laugh:

    ha ha ''fat crying'' will use this as from tonday :)
  • krue1971
    krue1971 Posts: 167 Member
    If I'm doing anything physical at all I sweat like a Baptist in a liquor store. I've had to stop working and pour the sweat out of my boots at work. I just like to think my thermostat is working fine.
  • larrys2112
    larrys2112 Posts: 35 Member
    This is what my shirt looks like after 2 hours on my bicycle. I sweat like a pig. LOL

  • StevenDweeb
    StevenDweeb Posts: 24 Member
    I'm with Larry -- have always sweated like crazy. Some of us just sweat more than others.