Is this a fitness site?



  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I had a few dodgy pms that seemed to be outside of the fitness/health genre, and did not make any attempt to reply to those messages.
    I had a few male friends on my old account, and they were fine, but a few deleted me due to my suffering eating disorder related issues.
    I now limit my friends to mostly females who have similar issues to myself, or who at least have the patience to be able to deal with them. I don't think males like to deal with anyone with an ED, even if said person is working hard to get better, and netting a good amount of calories.
  • You have to weed through the people who are just here for attention. I am flirty by nature, I may say "good job handsome" or "way to go tuff guy" on my male friend's posts but I do that in my real life as well. Doesn't mean I want to PM them or chat with them offline. The only time I ever "pm" people is when I send a friend request. I put a little blurb in the message re: why I am friending them.
    I've surrounded myself with people who are hard core dedicated to losing weight, log every day, exercise regularly and can support while joking around. I also enjoy reading about people's lives. I don't think every post we make has to be about food, diet and exercise. One of my friends' daughter just left for college and she's having a really tough time with it and I try my hardest to lift her up and show her support. I'm not quite sure what my point is but I think there is a definitely a balance and it can exhausting finding people who are real.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Like any site or tool, it is what you make it.

    Gals are chatty. We gotta get our words out somewhere. Hahaha. If you're not using it for picking up women, then don't sweat it. Just keep being motivated by the friends you have and weed out anyone who makes your experience something you don't want it to be.
  • I see this as something that's just like anything else in life: it's what you make of it.

    To satisfy my personal goals I use it as a support system as a little reminder not to give up because I deserve to live as the best me I can be. For those who are in far better shape, maybe it serves as motivation to continue on the right path.

    What I find that every MFP member has in common is that they're in search of some type of answer(s) they can't seem to find in their everyday "real" lives.

    Good luck on your journey! :)

    Way to put my thoughts into words! I do love how this site reassures me that I am not alone and there are people out there with the same questions (and people who can provide the answers!)