New here

sdwdickson Posts: 45 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi! Started my new year resolution late, too much left over Christmas candy that finally had to just go in the trash:) Hope to make new friends and get ideas on how to be successful in losing weight.


  • ppahler
    ppahler Posts: 16
    Welcome! You will love this site. People are so helpful and friendly. I try to read a few posts each night and I usually get good ideas and inspirations.
    Good luck!
  • Welcome to the MFP family. There is a lot of good information on here. I have found it very effective being accountable for everything I eat, more than once I have not eaten something because I didn't want it to have to write it down. Here's to a healthy new year.
  • Well I've been on here for about a week now and i must say it does help me keep track of what i'm eating and watch what i'm eating. I've enjoyed it so far i did go pass the recommended calorie intake this weekend but im back on track and watching what im eating again. But i plan on keeping up with everything until i get to my goal weight.
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