Not losing even though under calories and fat

I have recently gained weight that I have never had trouble with before - I am trying to stick to old heathly eating habits and more regular workout routine, but cannot seem to lose any pounds!!! I stay under my calorie limit and under my fat and workout! Any ideas?


  • raleigh
    raleigh Posts: 87 Member
    How much under and for how many days are you under?
    Are you drinking enough water?
    How many days have you been at it?

    Keep it up though, staying to a healthy diet and exercising regularly is a great lifestyle change and just keeping with it during hard times is such a great commitment to make to yourself. Soon you will see a change, sometimes your body has to have some time to catch up to your brain.
  • tlblood
    tlblood Posts: 473 Member
    Do you eat at least some of what you burn working out? It's possible that you're working out too much and/or not eating enough for the amount you're working out. If that's the case, your body is holding on to all you give it because you're exerting so much energy in your workouts.
  • mrsbojangles
    I agree with tlblood. I had this problem and am in the midst of fixing it. It is important to eat all of your calories, especially when you work out. If you don't, your body goes into starvation mode and tries to store what little it gets as fat. If you continue this, you'll never lose. How many cals does MFP tell you to get per day?

    Also, look at the thread (it's old but has resurfaced) about the person eating 700 cals a day and not losing. There is a link to a GREAT article on there about this topic.

    Good luck!
  • arliemac
    arliemac Posts: 7 Member
    Are you writing down what and how much you eat daily? If you're going back and "remembering" at the end of the day it's possible you're taking in more food than you realize. If you truly are under your calorie intake, then take a closer look at the proportions of fats, carbs and proteins of your calorie intake. Exercise is beneficial no matter how intense, but if weight loss is your goal then you've got to rev up your work outs. An elevated heart rate in your target hr zone for at least 30 minutes 5-7 days weekly will make your work outs work. Finally be patient and don't give up. It may take as much as 5 weeks to make the scale move. Good for you for making the effort and good luck ssbeth!